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Career Development Office

Reciprocity Policy

If you are a UHLC student or alumni, the CDO will facilitate reciprocity requests from other ABA-accredited law schools that accord reciprocal services to UHLC. Please read the instructions below before submitting your reciprocity requests online.

Students from other ABA-accredited law schools should read the CDO Reciprocity Policy below prior to asking their career services office to submit a request.

Instructions for UHLC Students and Alumni Requesting Reciprocity

Please note that the CDO must request reciprocity on your behalf. Please keep the following information in mind when seeking reciprocity:

  • Each law school has its own policies and procedures regarding reciprocity. For instance, the vast majority of schools will require you to be physically present at their institution in order to obtain access to their job bank. Please check each school’s website to see about their guidelines. (Check out the links to reciprocity policies of the NALP member law schools.)
  • Each law school also has their own “blackout” periods when they do not accept reciprocity requests due to on-campus interview seasons. These dates are listed on their websites.
  • If reciprocity is granted, you should honor the reciprocity policy of the host school(s), which will be outlined in the email you receive granting reciprocity. It is your responsibility to contact that school’s career office and arrange a date and time to visit. Make sure to ask how they would like you to store any job bank information (flash drive, CD, webmail, etc.). Take a copy of the letter granting your reciprocity and a photo I.D.

To request reciprocity at another law school outside of the Houston area, you must email Salma Chavira at with the following information:

  • The name and contact information of the reciprocity contact for the school.
  • A copy of their reciprocity policy.
  • Any restrictions, blackouts, etc.

Once we receive this information, please allow 24-48 hours for the CDO to process your request.

CDO Reciprocity Policy

The Career Development Office at the University of Houston Law Center is pleased to share its resources with graduates and students of other ABA accredited law schools. As Houston is the fourth largest legal community in the United States, the office is aware of the attractive nature of the job market.  In consideration of our duty not only to the legal market but also to our students, the policy is as follows:

Eligibility: Reciprocity is available to graduates and students of any accredited law school whose own law school has made (or agrees to make) available the use of its career services facilities to UHLC graduates and students. These agreements may be made on a case-by-case basis. In the event that the UHLC receives more reciprocity requests from a school than that school receives from UHLC students, the UHLC reserves the right to withhold reciprocity.

Requesting Reciprocity: Requests for reciprocity for any student or graduate must be made by the career services office of that person’s law school. These requests may be made to Salma Chavira by:

The request must be received and granted prior to any visit to UHLC. Walk-in and telephone requests will not be honored. The person must wait until a letter granting reciprocity is received and bring that letter to campus for any visit to UHLC.  It is preferred that requests be made one week before the anticipated visit. Reciprocity is granted for up to 30 days from the date on the grant letter, depending on office availability for reciprocity services. Subsequent extensions must be made in the same form as an original request. You should contact the Career Development Office before arriving to guarantee availability of the reciprocity service.

Privileges: Reciprocity is a privilege granted by UHLC and not a right owed to any individual regardless of agreements made between UHLC and any other law school. Reciprocity allows for in-office access to the resource library, job postings, publications, directories, reference materials, newsletters, handouts, and other materials as available.  Materials are for in-office use only and may not be loaned for any period of time. Access is also granted for use of the office phone, fax and copy machine.  NOT available as part of the UHLC reciprocity agreement are counseling sessions, directly applying to jobs via Symplicity, resume and cover letter review, Fall or Spring OCI, job fairs and other on-campus programs.

Restrictions and Limitations: Reciprocity is suspended each year for Fall OCI from July 15 until December 1 (approximately) and again for Spring OCI from March 1 until April 15 (approximately).  Visitors should call the CDO at 713-743-2090 to verify these blackout dates in advance.  The Assistant Dean of the CDO may further regulate or terminate services in full or in part to any law school, graduate or student surpassing a reasonable number of requests or to any person who misuses or abuses the facilities, expand services or personnel and may amend, restrict, expand or suspend this policy, or any parts thereof, when it is deemed necessary to do so in the interest of UHLC. Our reciprocity agreement may be further restricted based upon the policy of the requesting school. If, for example, the requesting school offers access for a period shorter than that of UHLC, then the access extended will be limited to that school’s period. UHLC Reciprocity privileges are not available via remote access.

Through mutual agreement, reciprocity services are not made available to students at other Houston area law schools.