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How can I check to make sure I’m on schedule to graduate?

Graduation Checklist

Graduation Check/Degree Audit - We highly recommend that all students request a Graduation Check (degree audit) before their last semester. This is the only way to verify that you are on track to graduate. Please fill out the top portion of the Graduation Check form ( and send it to lawOSA@uh.eduOnce processed, the form will be returned to you completed; please allow 3-5 days for processing. If you have remaining questions about your degree progress after reviewing your Graduation Check form, you can schedule an advising appointment through the JD Student Advising page (

Note: LLM students must contact Suzanne Gordon for a Graduation Check/Review,

Degree Requirements 

You will find the degree requirements in the Student Handbook ( ).   

Credits - 90 hours are required for graduation, (64 must be graded with letter grades), with a 2.33 minimum GPA.  In addition to the 1st year required curriculum, each student must complete the following courses at the Law Center to graduate:

Professional Responsibility Course – Students must take and pass a three-hour Professional Responsibility course.

Upper-Level Writing Course Requirement - Students may satisfy this requirement by: (1) completing a writing seminar (WRS); or (2) taking a writing course (WRC); and (3) meeting the requirements of section II.M for whichever type of course is taken.

Experiential Credits Requirement – Students must take and pass one or more experiential course(s) totaling at least six credit hours. An experiential course must be a simulation course, a law clinic, or a field placement. No more than three credits of field placement credit can be applied to the experiential credit requirement. Except for up to three credits of field placement course(s), courses used to meet the experiential requirement must be graded with letter grades.

Training in Bias, Cross-Cultural Competency, and Racism - Beginning in Fall 2023, under new ABA standards, students must complete training in bias, cross-cultural competency, and racism provided by UHLC during their first year and at least once again before graduation or before or concurrent with a clinic course or field placement course. Such training may be required in some courses/contexts before then during the 2022-23 academic year.

Professional Identity Development Requirement - Students must complete professional identity development session(s) provided by UHLC during each year of law school.

Distance Education Credit-Hour Limit - Students are not permitted to take more than one half, that is, 45 credit-hours of distance education courses as defined by the ABA. An ABA distance education course means one in which students are separated from the faculty member or each other for more than one-third of the instruction and such instruction involves the use of technology to support regular and substantive interaction among students and between the students and the faculty member, either synchronously or asynchronously. UHLC’s course listings can be found on its main webpage, along with the individual course descriptions for each course. The course description for a course will indicate whether that course is designated as an ABA distance education course.

Filing for Graduation – to officially graduate from the university, all students must file a Graduation Application online through your  MyUH Access/PeopleSoft account by the designated filing deadline.  Click on the “Apply for Graduation” link listed under your Student Center.

Timely Filing Fee - $25                               Late Filing Fee - $50

See Academic Calendar for deadlines,

2025 University Commencement for the Law Center