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UH Law Center’s Global and Graduate Programs empowers the legal community to make a positive impact on the world. We offer dozens of classes, seminars, CLEs, centers, programs and collaborations covering a wide range of international and global fields. We are expanding the global footprint of the UH Law Center by offering world class LL.M. programs and training opportunities to our foreign lawyers (U.S. Law LL.M.) and our domestic lawyers (International Law and related fields), and by engaging the global community in mutually beneficial collaborations between the UH Law Center and universities, firms, governments, organizations, corporations, and practitioners around the world.



 Dr. Leihong Dong (August 1, 2023 – July 31, 2024)

Dong Leihong

Dr. Leihong Dong is an associate professor of law from Shandong Architecture University, in China. She is also an attorney and an arbitrator in her country. Dr. Leihong Dong teaches Public International Law and Introduction to American Legal System to both graduate students and undergraduates. Her research field covers International Law, Charity Law, and Water Law. She has published four books and 16 essays and completed over 10 scientific research projects for Shandong Provincial Government and Jinan Municipal Government. She took part in the legislation of China Charity Law of 2016 and provided expert advice during this legislative process.

Dr. Leihong Dong’s visiting research in the University of Houston Law Center focuses on American Water Law. She is hoping that her research on American Water Law and practice in the US can provide experience for the improvement of the Chinese Water Legal System. 

Judge Ahmed Sameh Fahmi (March 20, 2023 - July 5, 2023)


Judge Fahmi is a member of the judiciary for the Egyptian Council of State, a national-level court for original trials and appellate matters. He hears and adjudicates cases related to administrative law, as well as disputes between individuals and government entities. After earning his first degree in law from Zagazig University in Zagazig, Egypt, he went on to attain a master’s degree in public international law from Ain Shams University in Cairo, Egypt. He is currently completing his second master’s degree in international and comparative law at the American University in Cairo.

Judge Fahmi’s research and activities are sponsored by the Government of Egypt and the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and his research will focus on comparative constitutional and procedural law.

Mr. Rodrigo Rodi (April 3, 2023 – August 31, 2023)


Mr. Rodi graduated in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo in Brazil and has recently practiced and conducted research in regulatory law in the national energy sector. He is pursuing a master’s degree in Energy Studies at the Institute of Energy and Environment of the University of São Paulo (IEE-USP), where he participates in the Research Group on Energy Governance. As a former fellow of the International Center for Renewable Energies – CIBiogás in ANEEL’s (Brazil’s electricity regulator) Research and Development project, he focused on distributed generation systems.  He is a legal counsel/researcher for public and regulatory law in the energy sector and is interested in the impact of market liberalization of electricity on the public distribution service and the regulatory adjustments necessary to implement such policies in Brazil.

Mr. Rodi is interested in comparing his country’s market liberalization process with the experiences of regions that have successfully implemented policies such as Texas and will focus his activities related to the Environment, Energy & Natural Resources Center (EENR).