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Government and Public Interest Table Talk

The Government and Public Interest Table Talk (GPITT) invites government agencies and public interest organizations to campus to speak to University of Houston Law Center (UHLC) students about their organization, area of law, and any available internship or permanent positions. This event provides public sector employers the opportunity to meet informally with students, collect resumes for upcoming positions, and introduce their organization to a large number of potential candidates and fellow members of the bar (literature and hand-outs are welcomed). Additionally, the event is an opportunity to expose UHLC students to the varied opportunities available in the public sector.

Employers do not need to offer paid employment to participate in this event. Students accepting positions with government and non-profit organizations generally either (1) receive academic credit through our externship program, (2) secure funding through our public interest fellowship program, or (3) serve as a volunteer. It is critical, however, that employers can provide students with substantive legal work and an attorney supervisor who has been licensed to practice for at least three years.

The GPITT is open to all current UHLC students. Most students attending this event are interested in establishing a placement for summer terms. However, the time can also be used to cultivate interest for internships during the academic year and permanent positions.

Below are the pertinent details for this year’s table talk:

  • What: Government and Public Interest Table Talk (GPITT)
  • When: Friday, January 26, 2024, 12:00-2:00 pm
  • Where: IN-PERSON at The Foundation Room in the John M. O’Quinn Law Building
  • Cost: FREE!
  • Format: Students/graduates come to the GPITT dressed in business attire and equipped with requested application materials. Employer representatives are placed at tables designated by the organization’s name and students/graduates freely move among tables speaking with the representatives about their organizations and practice areas.

After GPITT, employers can follow up with students/graduates in any way that they see fit—from simply informing a student/graduate that they were impressed with their credentials and will keep their resume on file if a need in their office ever arises to offering a student/graduate a formal interview or offer for a current or upcoming position.

How to register for the GPITT:

Simply click HERE to complete the employer registration form. Registration ends January 19, 2024. You will receive a confirmation email from the Career Development Office after your form is processed; registration is not complete until you receive a confirmation email. If you are interested in collecting resumes but cannot attend, contact Bill Powers at to discuss how you may be able to participate.

If you have any questions, please contact Bill Powers, Director of Internship and Externship Programs, at or 713-743-0810.