Merit Scholarships for Entering J.D. Students
New UH Foundation Scholarship Process Instructions
Dean’s Scholarships are offered to highly qualified students in each entering first-year class. These scholarships vary in number and amount each year, and are renewable under the terms outlined below. As part of the Dean’s Scholarship program, we also offer at least two Dean’s Teach for America Scholarships. The terms and criteria for the Teach for America Scholarships are the same as those for the Dean’s Scholarship program, except that only current or former Teach for America corps members will be considered. Every applicant accepted for admission to the J.D. program is automatically considered for available merit scholarships, and no additional application is required.
Criteria for Entering Student Scholarships:
Every J.D. applicant accepted for admission is automatically considered for available merit scholarships, and no additional application is required. The following factors are considered when awarding merit scholarships:
- Applicant's academic record, including previous undergraduate and/or graduate institutions and test scores
- Applicant's letters of recommendation
- Applicant's demonstrated interest in obtaining an advanced degree as evidenced by the personal statement and other application materials
- Other relevant qualifications
Merit scholarships awarded to entering full-time J.D. students, including Dean’s Scholarships and Dean’s Teach for America Scholarships, are renewable for all three years of the J.D. program, provided the student maintains continuous full-time enrollment and is in good academic standing. For part-time students, scholarships are for all four years of the J.D. program, provided the student maintains a continuous part-time course load and is in good academic standing. If the student transfers from the part-time program to the full-time program, the scholarship will expire upon graduation from the JD program or at the conclusion of the fourth year, whichever comes first.
The scholarship is paid in two installments each year, one each for the fall and spring semesters. Each semester’s payment is contingent on your enrollment in a full course load at the University of Houston Law Center. As a full-time student, the scholarship will expire upon the completion of 90 attempted credits towards your JD, graduation from the JD program, or at the conclusion of the third year, whichever comes first. The scholarship will be applied to your university financial account directly. For more information regarding merit scholarships, please visit
Dean's Award Ceremony
The Dean’s Awards Ceremony is held annually during the spring semester. During the ceremony, the Law Center recognizes faculty, staff, and student achievement in several areas. Scholarships are also awarded. Information on how to apply for available scholarships will be provided to students during the fall of each academic year.
Outside Scholarship Sources (JD & LLM)
All scholarship criteria and selection determinations are set by each individual donor (not the Law Center).
Applicants are encouraged to search for outside scholarships with individual organizations, sororities or fraternities, social clubs, religious or business organizations, employers of a parent, spouse or friend, foundations, town or city clubs, community organizations and civic groups such as the American Legion, YMCA, 4H Club, Elks, Kiwanis, Jaycees or girl & boy scouts. Any organization connected with your field of interest. Other options:
Entering Students Opportunities
New scholarships for entering students will be added when received.
- Pipeline to Practice Foundation is currently taking applications for entering 1Ls who have need and/or 1st generation entering into professional school. We encourage you to apply. Deadline: Wednesday, May 1, 2024.
The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (The CB) announces Sept. 1 for a new loan repayment program benefitting recently appointed peace officers who have student loan debt.
All scholarship criteria and selection determinations are set by each individual donor (not the Law Center).
Law Center Scholarships
Outside Scholarships (JD & LLM) - All scholarship criteria and selection determinations are set by each individual donor (not the Law Center).
- The Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation is now accepting applications for need-based scholarship to Military Children. Please visit the site to explore eligibility and requirements. Scholarship awards levels are $2,500, $5,000, $7,500, or $10,000 per academic year. Award amounts are based on factors including financial need, GPA, and available funding. Amounts are not guaranteed from year to year, and renewal applicants may be awarded different amounts in subsequent years.
and scholarship awards. Visit site as deadlines very.
- State Bar of Texas Diversity in the Profession Committee has scholarship opportunities for third-year law students, graduates with the past 12 months, or those pursuing an LLM, and who are preparing for the 2025 July Texas Bar Exam are eligible for this scholarship. Selection criteria include but are not limited to academic achievement, financial need, involvement in the community/extracurricular activities including student organizations and affinity groups, and leadership experience. To apply email a complete application packet including all required documents as one PDF file to Scholarship Committee, State Bar of Texas Diversity in the Profession. We encourage you to apply. Deadline: No later than 11:59 p.m. CST on February 7, 2025
- Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is awarding twelve (12) $5,000 scholarships. These scholarships are open to all qualified students from the three Houston-area law schools which includes University of Houston Law Center, regardless of race, color, sex, gender, religion, national origin, citizenship status, age, genetic information, physical or mental disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or other legally protected status. Applicants must be in their first or second year of law school The scholarships are intended to be, and should be, used by the law student for tuition and other expenses directly related to law school, otherwise the scholarship money will be taxable income to the student. We encourage you to apply. Deadline: February 14, 2025.
- Terry Bryan Law Firm is now taking entries from all future or current law school students pursuing a JD degree, regardless of race, color, gender, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. Applicants must have a cumulative college grade point average of at least 3.0 and must be currently attending or planning to enter a law school accredited by the American Bar Association (ABA) or the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) to obtain their JD degree. Review site for details. The deadline for submissions due on or before Monday, June 2, 2025.
Writing Competitions
All award criteria and selection determinations are set by each individual donor (not the Law Center).
- American College of Real Estate Lawyers (ACREL) Law School Student Writing Award. ACREL is the preeminent association of commercial real estate lawyers, focused on service to clients, colleagues and the profession. We have established the writing award to recognize and encourage thoughtful student scholarship and excellent writing in the area of real property law or related topics. Additional information about the award is contained here. Two winners (a First Place and a Second Place) will be selected and notified by February 18, 2025. The First-Place winner will receive an award of $2,000. The Second Place Winner will receive an award of $1,000.. Deadline: 11:59 p.m. Eastern time on December 31, 2024
- The American Indian Law Review opens a writing competition for the 2024-2025 award year.
The competition is open to students enrolled in J.D. or graduate law programs at accredited law schools in the United States. Prizes are as follows: First Place: $1,500; Second Place: $700, and Third Place: $400. Please review the rules here. Deadline: Friday, February 28, 2025.
The Insurance Law Section of the State Bar of Texas
, through its governing Council, is requesting submissions for its Fall 2024 Student Writing Competition and scholarship to be coordinated by the Law Student Writing Competition Committee. Please see the attached Call for Submissions.
This is our fifth year of conducting the state-wide competition, with tens of thousands of dollars in scholarship funds paid to date. The competition is open to law students in good standing from any of the ten accredited law schools in Texas.
This year’s written submission is a mock amicus brief to the Fifth Circuit on a discrete Stowers issue raised in the recent decision Westport Ins. Corp. v. Pennsylvania Nat'l Mut. Cas. Ins. Co., -- F.4th --, No. 23-20282, 2024 WL 4219298 (5th Cir. Sept. 18, 2024). Further details are in the Call for Submissions.
The deadline for Submissions is receipt by the Section on or before 11:59 p.m. CDT on Friday, December 20, 2024. Submissions should be emailed to Details of the Competition Procedures & Guidelines are also available at . The Procedures & Guidelines will prevail over the terms of this Call for Submissions, to the extent of any inconsistencies.
Submissions shall be reviewed by a committee of Council members, which shall select Winners and notify them by and through the students’ respective law schools. Winners shall be publicized through the Section.
By submitting an entry, students agree to grant the Section the exclusive right for up to one year after the submission deadline, and the non-exclusive right in perpetuity, to publish the submission in any of the Journal of Texas Insurance Law, Right Off The Press, Section website or social media, Section-sponsored Insurance Law Seminar or other media as further described in the Competition Procedures & Guidelines.
The Competition’s Winners will consist of “Statewide Winners” and “Best of School Winners”, and shall be awarded Scholarship Awards:
• First Place: $4000;
• Second Place: $2000;
• Third Place: $1000; and,
• Best of School: $500 (must be at least 3 submissions from the school with no Statewide Winner from that particular school)
The Winners and Scholarship Awards will be based upon a ranking of the best submissions as determined by the sole discretion of the committee. See the Call for Submission for additional details.
Competition Winners shall be publicized by the Section and recognized with an appropriate trophy, plaque, or certificate. The Council has the discretion to invite Statewide Winners to a luncheon during the next Annual Advanced Insurance Law Seminar in San Antonio on Thursday, June 5, 2025.
- The American College of Legal Medicine (ACLM), all students are encouraged to complete, particularly those studying law. The writer of the winning paper will be presented with Hirsh Award and will receive $1000, a round trip economic airfare to Houston, one-night hotel accommodations during the conference and conference registration to attend the ACLM 2025 Annual Conference where they will have an opportunity to present the paper, receive the award and meet with experts in the field of legal medicine. The 2nd-place winner will receive $500 and the 3rd-place winner will receive $250. The top three winner will receive complimentary one year membership in the American College of Legal Medicine and will be invited to serve on the 2026 Student Award Committee. Please review requirements. Deadline: Wednesday, January 15, 2025 @ 11:59
- The American College of Legal Medicine (ACLM), invite students and professionals to submit their posters (abstract) in Legal Medicine for the ACLM 2025 Annual Conference scheduled to take place at the Hilton University of Houston on February 28th through March 2nd, 2025. College students are invited to present their research poster (abstract) during our conference. Each winner will be given the opportunity to present their poster on stage at the conference no longer than 10 minutes and receive a plaque and $500. Please review requirements. Deadline: Wednesday, January 15, 2025 @ 11:59 pm
- American Indian Law Review national writing competition is now welcoming papers from students at accredited law schools in the United States and Canada. Papers will be accepted on any legal issue specifically concerning American Indians or other indigenous peoples. Three cash prizes will be awarded: $1,500 for first place, $750 for second place, and $400 for third place. Each of the three winning authors will also be awarded an eBook copy of Cohen's Handbook of Federal Indian Law, provided by LexisNexis. The first-place paper will be published in the Review. We encourage you to apply, please review competition rules here.
- The NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund proudly announces 2025 Law Student Second Amendment Research and Writing Competition, open to any law student currently enrolled in an ABA Accredited law school. Law students entering the competition are encouraged to contact and work with various law reviews and other law-related professional journals to attempt to have your article published. Frist place $10,000, Second place $7,000, Third place $3,000 and the possibility of being published. Please review flyer and writing prompt. Deadline: By March 1, 2025
- Notre Dame Law School sponsors an annual writing competition on the topic of legal ethics. All students with an interest in legal ethics are invited and encouraged to participate. $2,500 will be awarded for one winning entry. Please review Call for Papers for all requirements. Deadline: 5 p.m. on April 15, 2025
- The College of Labor and Employment Lawyers and American Bar Association Section of Labor and Employment Law Annual Law Student Writing Competition for 2025, is open to articles written while the author is an active student at an accredited law school in the U.S. Prizes are as follows: First Place: $3000; Second Place: $1000, and Third Place: $500. Please review the rules here and scoring guideline here. Deadline: Sunday, June 15, 2025 @ 11:59 pm (EDT).
University of Houston Law Center
Financial Aid & Scholarship Office
4170 Martin Luther King Blvd
Houston, TX 77204-6060
(713) 743-2269
School code 003652