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If you have completed your application for a NACLE exchange, please fill out the registration form to register with NACLE’s administrative office. Also, please remember to fill out your exit survey upon completion of your NACLE exchange! For general information, please contact a NACLE Coordinator. For a specific member campus, please contact the specific NACLE representatives.

General Administrative Office

Senior Coordinator:
Faculty and Student Relations Coordinator:
Communications Coordinator:
Finance Coordinator:

Please direct all mail to:
NACLE Headquarters
University of Houston Law Center, North American Consortium on Legal Education (NACLE)
4170 Martin Luther King Blvd
Houston, TX 77204-6060


Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University, Faculty of Law – Halifax, Nova Scotia

Faculty Representative:
International Linkages Committee Secretary:
Outgoing Students:

McGill University, Faculty of Law – Montreal, Quebec

Faculty Representative:
Administrative Representative:
Student Exchanges:

University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law – Ottawa, Ontario

International Office (General Inquiries):
Faculty Representative (Common Law):
Faculty Representative (Civil Law): Administrative Representative:


Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE) – Mexico City

Faculty Representative:
Administrative Representative:

UNAM – Mexico City

Law School Faculty Representative:
Institutio Faculty Representative:
Instituto Administrative Representative:

Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM)

Faculty Representative:
Administrative Representative:

Universidad Panamericana – Mexico City

Faculty Representative:
Administrative Representative:

United States

University of Arizona College of Law – Tucson, Arizona

Faculty Representative:
Administrative Representative:

The George Washington University Law School – Washington, DC

Faculty Representative:
Administrative Representative:

Southwestern Law School – Los Angeles, California

Faculty Representative:
Administrative Representatives:

Suffolk University Law School – Boston, Massachusetts

Faculty Representative:
Administrative Representative:

University of Houston Law Center – Houston, Texas

Faculty Representative:
Administrative Representative: