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Speaker Series:

One of the purposes of the Inter-American Hydrocarbons Regulators Dialogue is to promote a constant discussion about relevant issues that can influence decision making in the oil and gas industry. Therefore, we have organized a series of international events discussing legal, economics, and geopolitical matters:

  1. 1. "Outlook on Energy Mix and Its Energy Security Implications"  by Keisuke Sadamori, Director for Energy Markets and Security at the International Energy Agency (IEA). University of Houston Law Center. University of Houston Law Center, March 6, 2017. (U.S.A.)

IEA Director Keisuke Sadamori at UHLC

  1. 2. "Regulación de Proyectos Costa Afuera" by Dr. Alexandra Lozano, Legal Manager and VicePresident of Hydrocarbons Contracts ( E ) and Dr. Pedro Rojas, Contract Manager (E) at the Colombian National Hydrocarbons Agency (ANH). University of Externado, Bogota, Colombia, April 6, 2017. (COLOMBIA

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Margarita Nieves (ANH), Prof. Julian Cardenas (EENR Center), Dra. Alexandra Lozano (ANH), Dr. Pedro Rojas (ANH) and Dra. Ana Gutierrez (Externado)

  1. "Lex Petrolea Offshore" by Prof. Julián Cárdenas, at the Colombian National Hydrocarbons Agency (ANH), April, 7, 2018.

Prof. Julián Cárdenas at the ANH Colombia.

  1. "Outlook for Brazil's Oil Sector" A conversation with Eng. Magda Chambriard, Former President of the Brazilian Petroleum Agency (ANP), and Energy Visiting Scholar at the EENR Center, and Prof. Norman Nadorff. University of Houston Law Center, October 18, 2017. (U.S.A.)

Prof. Norman Nadorff, Eng. Magda Chambriard (EENR - EVS) and Prof. Ramanan (UH Energy)

  1. "The Energy World is Flat: Opportunities from the End of Peak Oil" by Daniel Lacalle. University of Houston Law Center, October 25, 2017.(U.S.A.)

Daniel Lacalle at UHLC

  1. "Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental y Social en Proyectos de Energía", by Dr. Yvonne Fabara, Former Secretary of Hydrocarbons of Ecuador and Energy Visiting Scholar at the EENR Center. Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon Law School, Monterrey, Mexico, November 17, 2017. (MEXICO)

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Dr. Yvonne Fabara (EENR- EVS) and Dr. Pilar Gutierrez (Autonomous University of Nuevo León)