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The EENR Center would like to recognize and thank our current sponsors:

Blank Rome LLP
Bracewell LLP

Vinson & Elkins LLP

Collaborating co-sponsor
with the Center for U.S. and Mexican Law
ENTRA Energy Transactions LLC

The Houston law firm of Connelly Baker & Wotring LLP provided initial funding to create the EENR Center, and we gratefully recognize them as a  Founding Partner.

Become a sponsor of the EENR Center

The Environment, Energy & Natural Resources Center

The Environment, Energy & Natural Resources Center at the University of Houston Law Center links energy issues with impacts on environment and natural resources. Building on the academic excellence of the faculty in these areas and the complex and multi-faceted energy and environmental issues in Houston, the Center provides a forum for education and discussion of the most important issues of the day, such as climate change, air pollution, clean coal and renewable energy.

Click here for past events


The EENR Center would like to recognize and thank our current sponsors:

Blank Rome LLP
Bracewell & Giuliani LLP

Vinson & Elkins LLP

Collaborating co-sponsor
with the Center for U.S. and Mexican Law
ENTRA Energy Transactions LLC

The Houston law firm of Connelly Baker & Wotring LLP provided initial funding to create the EENR Center, and we gratefully recognize them as a  Founding Partner.

Become a sponsor of the EENR Center