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Criminal Justice Institute - Faculty

David Crump teaches and writes in the areas of criminal law and evidence, among numerous other subjects.  Prior to joining the UH Law Center faculty, he served as an Assistant District Attorney of Harris County, Texas, where he tried cases ranging from minor misdemeanors to capital murders.  He has also worked as a criminal defense attorney.  In addition to numerous articles, he is the author of casebooks in Evidence and Criminal Law, as well as a study guide entitled, EVIDENCE IN A NUTSHELL.  He also authored A CAPITAL CASE IN AMERICA (Carolina Academic Press, 2000).

David Dow is the founder and director of the Texas Innocence Network. Often working with UH Law Center students, he has represented more than one hundred death row inmates in their state and federal appeals.  The Texas Innocence Network uses UH law students to investigate claims of actual innocence brought by Texas prisoners. His TED talk on the death penalty has been viewed more than half a million times.

Dow’s critically acclaimed memoir, The Autobiography of an Execution, was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle award and the winner of the 2010 Barnes & Noble Discover Award for nonfiction. His most recent book, Things I’ve Learned From Dying, was published in January 2014.

Meredith J. Duncan joined the faculty in 1998. Two of the courses she teaches are Criminal Law and Professional Responsibility. Professor Duncan has developed a specialty in the intersection of the two areas of law, focusing on the law relating to the liability of criminal defense attorneys. She has also written in the areas of sexual assault and battered women.

David Kwok joined the faculty in 2013.  He teaches and writes in the areas of white collar crime, public policy, and law and the social sciences. His most recent work focuses on government fraud under the False Claims Act.

Ellen Marrus (Emeritus Faculty) came to the Law Center in 1995 after practicing as a public defender in California. She taught courses in Criminal Procedure as well as Juvenile Law, and her scholarship was focused in the areas of criminal procedure and juvenile law.

Gerry Moohr (Emeritus Faculty) taught seminars in Criminal Law, White Collar Crime, and Property Crime among other courses. Professor Moohr is a national authority on the federal mail and wire fraud statutes.  She also wrote on corporate criminal liability, overcriminalization, and federal criminal law.  Her research included crimes of unauthorized use of business information and trade secrets, insider trading, and infringements of copyright.  She has written a casebook on intellectual property crime and is coauthor of a criminal law casebook.

Jordan Paust (Emeritus Faculty) joined the faculty in 1975, after having served as a member of the faculty of the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General’s School, International Law Division.  At the UH Law Center, he taught International Criminal Law, among his other courses in international law. Professor Paust distinguished himself as a leader in local, national and international organizations dealing with international law, human rights, laws of war, terrorism, and the use of force.  He is one of the most widely cited law professors in the United States.  He is the author of several casebooks and treatises on international law and human rights.  He also authored Beyond the Law: The Bush Administration’ s Unlawful Responses in the “ War” on Terror (Cambridge University Press 2007).

Sandra Guerra Thompson has been a member of the faculty since 1990. Before joining the faculty, she worked as a prosecutor in the New York County D.A.’s Office in Manhattan, doing both trial and appellate work. Professor Thompson teaches and writes in the areas of criminal law, criminal procedure, wrongful convictions and evidence. She has authored numerous articles on criminal law topics such as eyewitness identification and wrongful conviction, immigration crimes, jury discrimination, police interrogations, federal sentencing, and asset forfeiture. She is a former chair of the AALS Section on Criminal Justice and a member of the Board of Advisors of the ALI’s drafting project entitled, “Model Penal Code: Sentencing”.

In 2012, she was appointed by Houston Mayor Annise Parker as a member of the Board of Directors of the Houston Forensic Science Center.  This Board of Directors was charged with creating and overseeing an independent forensic lab and transferring such duties from the Houston Police Department's crime lab. In 2009, she served as the representative of the Texas public law schools on the Timothy Cole Advisory Panel on Wrongful Convictions, a panel created by the legislature to propose statutory reforms to curb wrongful convictions. She co-edited a book entitled American Justice in the Age of Innocence, an anthology about wrongful convictions that includes articles written by her seminar students. She is currently working on a new book on crime labs (forthcoming Carolina Academic Press 2014).