The Mock Trial Team competes in a number of prestigious mock trial competitions around the country. Team members attain heightened understanding of the rules of procedure and evidence and develop strong courtroom skills and persuasion techniques.
American Association for Justice Trial Competition
Team: Amyjo Foreman, Cassie Maneen, Alex Napuri, Canyon Stanford
Team: Hector Garza, Billie Parker, Brian Pounds, Janie Rios
Fordham Kelley Mock Trial Invitational
Team: Amyjo Foreman, Cassandra Maneen
Best Oening Statement:
Cassie Maneen
Best Closing Argument: Amyjo Foreman
John Marshall National Criminal Justice Trial Competition
Team: John Appel, Kristen Nelson, Kenneth Nguyen, Jackie Riff
Lone Star Classic Mock Trial Competition
Team: Kelly Marshall, Kristen Nelson, Paul Palmer, Ethan Steadman
Best Cross-Examination: Kelly Marshall
Quinnipiac Mock Trial Competition
Team: Porscha Allen, Alexandra Napuri, Canyon Sanford, Hector Garza, Billie Parker
National Trial Competition
Team: Brooke Bentley, Kelly Marshall, Ethan Steadman
Regional Semifinalists
Team: Spencer Armstrong, Emily Lucot, Spencer Packard
Regional Finalists
South Texas Mock Trial Challenge
Team: Amanda Blons, Drew Dishongh, Chelsea Klumpp, Luke Miller
Previous Teams