Spring 2023
Kristina Van Arsdel (ADJUNCT)
Credits: 6
Course Areas: Practice Skills - Clinics and Externships
Time: ARRANGED Location:
Course Outline: Well in advance of the semester in which they want to work, students should secure their field placements at either a nonprofit organization or government agency. A list of preapproved placements is located on the Externship Program’s webpage at www.law.uh.edu/externship. If the placement which a student wishes to work for credit is NOT on the list, s/he must seek approval from the Externship Director before accepting an position at that placement. (Students working at law firms, even on a volunteer basis, cannot receive credit under ABA accreditations regulations.)
Once a student secures a position, s/he must apply to the Externship Program at www.law.uh.edu/externship/. Students should not attempt to enroll themselves in these courses via PeopleSoft: if you’re approved, the Externship Director will enroll you via the Office of Student Services.
Students taking an Externship II course have necessarily already completed Externship I; consequently, s/he does not need to attend an orientation prior to starting work. However, Externship II students must still comply with all other externship requirements (time logs, journal entries and/or reflective writing assignments, completion of evaluations, and possibly a face-to-face meeting with the ED.)
Students will be required to work at their placements for 60 hours to earn each hour of academic credit.
Course Syllabus: Syllabus
Course Notes: Time: Work days/hours to be determined between student and field placement supervisor.
Location: Work to be done at field placement site.
Prerequisites: Yes - Satisfactory completion of Externship I, good academic standing, no honor code violations, and approval of instructor.
First Day Assignments:
Final Exam Schedule:
This course will have:
Satisfies Senior Upper Level Writing Requirement: No
Experiential Course Type: field placement
Bar Course: No
DistanceEd ABA: No
Pass-Fail Student Election:
Course Materials
No book required for this course