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The University of Houston Law Center Faculty

William Streng

Professor of Law, Emeritus

B.A., Wartburg College; J.D., Northwestern University

Professor Streng was the Vinson & Elkins Professor of Law at the University of Houston Law Center where (from 1985 until 2019) he taught courses in federal income tax, corporate tax, estate planning, international taxation, and conflict of laws. From 1980 until 1985, Professor Streng was the partner in charge of the tax group at Bracewell & Patterson (presently Bracewell LLP), a Houston-based law firm, and he continued as a consultant with the firm until 2011. Prior to 1980 he was (1973-1979) a Professor at the School of Law, Southern Methodist University, Dallas.

Professor Streng graduated from the Northwestern University School of Law in 1962. He was Law Clerk to the Honorable Lester L. Cecil, Chief Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit (1963-1964); an Attorney-Advisor, Office of Tax Legislative Counsel (Office of the Asst. Sec. for Tax Policy), U.S. Dept. of the Treasury, Washington, D.C. (1970-1971); and, Deputy General Counsel, Export-Import Bank of the United States, Washington, D.C. (1971-1973). He has been a Visiting Prof. at Yokohama National Univ., Japan (2005); Visiting Prof., The University of Texas School of Law (2002); Visiting Prof., University of Leiden, The Netherlands (Summers 1997, 1998, 2000, 2007 & 2009); Visiting Fellow at the Victoria Univ. Law Faculty, Wellington, New Zealand (1996); Fulbright Prof. at the Univ. of Stockholm Law Faculty, Sweden (1993); Visiting Prof. at the New York University School of Law (1990), The Ohio State Univ. College of Law (1977), and Rice Univ. (1987-1989); and, a Distinguished Lecturer at the Univ. of Hong Kong Law Faculty (1992).