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Fall 2012

5201 Intellectual Property Survey - VETTER- 19914

Professor(s): Greg Vetter (FACULTY)

Credits: 2

Course Areas: Intellectual Property and Information Law 

Time: 5:30p-7:30p  T  Location: 213  BLB

Course Outline: This course covers domestic intellectual property laws - patent, copyright, trademark, and trade secret - through statues and cases. It is designed to afford the student who intends to practice in other areas an acquaintance with key IP issues, principles and doctrine, and to provide the intellectual property and information law specialist an introduction to the overall subject. The course will provide roughly equal treatment of patent, copyright and trademark law, approximately four weeks for each, with the remainder applied to the law of trade secrets, introduction, and/or review.

Course Syllabus:

Course Notes:   If you did not receive the password to open the electronic casebook file, please email Professor Vetter. His contact information is here:

Prerequisites:  None. All students are on call the first day.

First Day Assignments: Read the course syllabus and these documents linked to it: final exam page; generally applicable syllabus. Read the pages from the electronic casebook file as specified on the syllabus web page.

Final Exam Schedule: 12/18 6-8pm  240 TU2    

This course will have:
Exam: Yes
Paper: No

Satisfies Senior Upper Level Writing Requirement: No

Experiential Course Type:

Bar Course:

DistanceEd ABA:

Pass-Fail Student Election: