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Spring 2012

7307 SEM: Advanced Topics in Intellectual Property - VETTER- 16584
room change, 1-12-12

Professor(s): Greg Vetter (FACULTY)

Credits: 3

Course Areas: Intellectual Property and Information Law 

Time: 4:00p-5:30p  TTh  Location: 113  BLB

Course Outline: Study of advanced topics in patent, trademark, and copyright law. Topics should be chosen and approved before the December break, so that the mainline research can be done during the break. The paper will be due in four finished, graded parts: approximately one month, two months, and three months into the semester; and the last submittal of the final paper, due at the beginning of the spring exam period. More details about grading structure are available at the course web page.

Course Syllabus:

Course Notes:   Follow the instructions and input on the course web page for confirming topic selection

Prerequisites: Yes  patent law or copyright law or permission of the instructor.

First Day Assignments: The course web page and items linked to it; parts I & II of the assigned book

Final Exam Schedule:    

This course will have:
Exam: n/a
Paper: yes, seminar paper

Satisfies Senior Upper Level Writing Requirement: No

Experiential Course Type:

Bar Course:

DistanceEd ABA:

Pass-Fail Student Election: