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Spring 2023

5203 Government and Nonprofit Externship I - POWERS/VAN ARSDEL-


Credits: 2

Course Areas: Practice Skills - Clinics and Externships 

Time: ARRANGED    Location:  

Course Outline: Well in advance of the semester during which they want to work, students should secure their own field placements at either a nonprofit organization or a government agency. A list of preapproved placements is located on the Externship Program’s webpage at If the placement where a student wishes to work for credit is not on the approved list, s/he must seek approval from the Externship Director before accepting a position at that placement. (Students working at law firms, even on a volunteer basis, cannot receive credit under ABA accreditation regulations.)

Once a student secures a position, s/he must apply to the Externship Program at Students should not attempt to enroll themselves in these courses via PeopleSoft: if you’re approved, the Externship Director will enroll you via the Office of Student Services.

Any JD student doing his/her first-ever externship for credit is required to attend an on-campus orientation. The date/time of the orientation is TBD. Students are responsible for reading their law school email and The LEX consistently to keep up with this information as it becomes available.

Students will be required to work at their placements for 60 hours to earn each hour of academic credit.

Course Syllabus:

Course Notes:    Paper: Yes, at semester’s end. Additionally, students will be required to email weekly time logs, journal entries and/or reflective writing assignments to the ED, and complete placement evaluation forms.

Time: Work days/hours to be determined between the student and the field placement supervisor
Location: Work will be done on site at the field placement.

All students will meet for a mandatory orientation of roughly one hour to review the nuts and bolts of the courses’ requirements, discuss matters of ethics and professionalism, and address any initial student concerns/questions.

The date and time of the orientation can be found on the Externship Program’s webpage at

Prerequisites: Yes   - Completion of 30 hours, good academic standing, no honor code violations, and the Externship Director’s approval. The ED will review the online applications and then email each student regarding his/her application status.

First Day Assignments:

Final Exam Schedule:    

This course will have:

Satisfies Senior Upper Level Writing Requirement: No

Experiential Course Type: field placement

Bar Course: No

DistanceEd ABA: No

Pass-Fail Student Election: