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Summer III 2023

6321 Professional Responsibility - KNAKE JEFFERSON- 15945

Professor(s): Renee Knake Jefferson (FACULTY)

Credits: 3

Course Areas: Procedure and Practice 

Time: AsynchDistanceEd     Location:  

Course Outline: This course is a study of the legal and ethical responsibilities of members of the legal profession. A required course, Professional Responsibility focuses on both the Model Rules of Professional Conduct as well as the current law governing the conduct of lawyers.

Course Syllabus: Syllabus

Course Notes: (Asynchronous Online)  The UH registration system instruction mode for this course is listed in parenthesis. After student registration opens, there may be instruction mode changes to this course up through two weeks before the first day of classes for the term, but notice of such changes will be sent to then-registered students. Some student materials may not be available online, such as an assigned casebook. Any assessment for the course, such as a final examination or a mid-term exam, will be conducted without the need to physically come to the Law Center, such as, for example, via the EBB portal as a take home exam or under remote proctoring.



First Day Assignments:

Final Exam Schedule: Take home exam      

This course will have:

Satisfies Senior Upper Level Writing Requirement: No

Experiential Course Type: No

Bar Course: Required (MPRE)

DistanceEd ABA: Yes

Pass-Fail Student Election: Unavailable (Required Course)

Course Materials

Book(s) Required

Course Materials: 2 required titles: (1) JEFFERSON, PEARCE, GREEN, JOY, KIM, MURPHY, TERRY, & BROWN, PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY: A CONTEMPORARY APPROACH (West Academic, 4th Edition. 2020) (Print ISBN: 9781642422856); (2) JEFFERSON & MURPHY, LEGAL ETHICS FOR THE REAL WORLD: BUILDING SKILLS THROUGH CASE STUDY (Foundation Press, 2nd Edition 2022) (ISBN: 9781685611170)

(1) Students may purchase the electronic only version of the casebook (1) above through the publisher's website (HERE). If purchasing through the publisher use code HOUSTONLAW for a 15% discount. 2) You will need the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct. They are at THIS LINK.