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Spring 2023

5376 Colloquium - HOFFMANL- 13976

Professor(s): Lonny Hoffman (FACULTY)

Credits: 3

Course Areas: Procedure and Practice 

Time: 12:00p-2:00p- M  10:00a-11:00a-F  Location: Foundation Room -  221 - Additional

Course Outline: For much more about the class, see the syllabus (here), but for now here’s a summary:

I. Premise of Course
The Colloquium is an attempt to create a cooperative scholarly enterprise in which students and visiting faculty from other schools work collaboratively. Students benefit from being exposed to scholarly analytic treatment and discussion of a subject in ways that few other, if any, law school classes can provide.

II. Structure of Course
Each week, the invited faculty speaker presents a work in progress to the class. Prior to class, students read the paper and come prepared to discuss and critique it.

III. Class Size, Student Requirements and Grading
This three-credit course is limited to fifteen students. Students are evaluated as follows:

50% of final grade based on weekly summary papers that students submit (no more than two pages, double spaced) that discuss the week’s presented papers. These brief summaries are due prior to the speaker’s presentation. My expectation as to these short submissions is that they should demonstrate that (1) you read the presenter’s paper carefully and (2) have begun to think of questions or issues that it raises that you might ask or bring up in class.

50% of final grade based on one long paper (of at least nine pages, double-spaced) that’s due at the end of the semester. The longer paper must present an original thesis that touches on at least two of the presenters’ papers. I will provide a more detailed grading matrix for how these papers will be evaluated but here are the broad categories now that will be taken into account: (1) originality of thesis/argument; (2) persuasiveness and writing quality; (3) organization/flow of argument; and (4) overall quality of work submitted.

Course Syllabus: Syllabus

Course Notes: (Hybrid)   The UH registration system instruction mode for this course is listed in parenthesis. After student registration opens, there may be instruction mode changes to this course up through two weeks before the first day of classes for the term, but notice of such changes will be sent to then registered students. Hybrid means that some of the weekly class sessions are virtual, and some are face-to-face. By definition, the hybrid instruction mode only applies to a course that meets two or more times a week. The instructor’s syllabus should indicate which regular days are virtual and which are face-to-face. A physical classroom may be assigned for the virtual class sessions to give students a location in the Law Center to join them. If the course has a final examination, it will be conducted in a classroom in face-to-face mode requiring your physical presence. Other assessment, such as a mid-term exam, may also be in a classroom.

Quota = 15

Limited to 15 students. We have a terrific lineup for Spring 2023. Their names appear below, but I’ll note here that they range from established luminaries of the legal academy to a number of up and coming early-career stars. Although their topic areas will vary, all speakers will bring original and engaging perspectives. For Spring 2023, our speakers are:

Spring 2023 Schedule of Speakers:

January 23 First class (class introduction; no speaker this day)-221
January 30 Aman Gebru (UH) [in person]-Foundation Room
February 6 Sheldon Evans (St Johns) [virtual]-221
February 13 Sarah Haan (Washington & Lee) [virtual]-221
February 20 Darrell Miller (Duke) [in person]-Foundation Room
February 27 Franita Tolson (USC) [virtual]-221
March 6 Spencer Weber Waller (Loyola-Chicago)[in person]-Foundation Room
March 20 Mila Sohoni (San Diego) [virtual]-221
March 27 Matt Lawrence (Emory) [in person]-Foundation Room
April 3 Dalie Jimenez (UCI) [virtual]-221
April 10 Radhika Rao (Hastings) [virtual]-221

Prerequisites:  None

First Day Assignments:

Final Exam Schedule: Paper      

This course will have:

Satisfies Senior Upper Level Writing Requirement: No

Experiential Course Type: No

Bar Course: No

DistanceEd ABA: Yes

Pass-Fail Student Election: Available