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UH Law Center accomplishments and alumni celebrated at annual meeting

University of Houston Law Center alumni, administrators and staff met online for a special edition of the 2020 Law Alumni Association Meeting.

June 9, 2020 - University of Houston Law Center graduates from coast to coast joined the 2020 Law Alumni Association Virtual Meeting held recently via Zoom. Among topics discussed were how the Law Center adjusted to the COVID-19 pandemic, and milestones the school reached in the past year.

"I was so excited to see people from all over the country and all over the world attending our virtual annual alumni meeting," said Dean Leonard M. Baynes in his welcoming remarks. "The hard work of bringing people together is paying off. The use of technology during the pandemic has brought the UHLC world closer together. "

"We appreciate your participation and all of you support over the years," added Associate Dean of Law Alumni and Community Relations Sondra Tennessee. "It means so much to the Law Center and our students."

Baynes began the discussion with the challenges that coronavirus presented to faculty and students, and how the Law Center has adjusted with classes, the Pre-Law Pipeline Program and numerous events being moved online.

"For many of our students and faculty, it was very sudden," he said. "They had to move to the online world in a short period of time. Our faculty really equipped themselves to move forward, which is a testament to their great teaching.

"We're coping, we're adapting, we're moving forward and we're embracing the change as much as we can."

Baynes then reflected on the Law Center's successful efforts to raise funds for a new building that will be known as The John M. O'Quinn Law Building.

"We are going to build a new building and we are very excited about this happening," Baynes said. "It is moving forward, and we have needed a new one for a very long period of time.

"Many thanks to our alums and the Law Foundation who have made this happen. The building is going to be named after John M. O'Quinn, one of our most illustrious alumni."

The meeting formally concluded with voting for the board of directors and officers on the UH Law Alumni Association and alumni meeting in breakout groups for networking purposes.

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