April 2024


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Emily Berman & Chris Mirasola, Texas, Military Federalism, and the Southern Border, Lawfare (Apr. 8, 2024). 

Renee Knake Jefferson, LER No. 36 - "Cowboy Carter" Justice, Disbarment for Eastman, Clark Disciplinary Hearing Starts, Paxton Trades Trial for Ethics Courses, Judge Admits Abusive Behavior, Jobs, Events & More, Legal Ethics Roundup (Apr. 1, 2024). 

Renee Knake Jefferson, LER No. 37 - Sex Shaming Prosecutor, Clark Disbarment Sought, Petition to End ABA’s “Nonlawyer,” Fed Soc Explores Licensing Reform, 1st Am. Challenge to Mandatory Bar, Jobs, Events & More, Legal Ethics Roundup (Apr. 8, 2024). 

Renee Knake Jefferson, LER No. 38 - WI Bar Settles Diversity Dispute, Senate Subpoena on SCOTUS Ethics Ignored, NYSBA Releases AI Guidelines, Student Protests, Justice Tech, Rec Reads, Jobs, Events & More, Legal Ethics Roundup (Apr. 15, 2024). 

Renee Knake Jefferson, LER No. 39 - TX Courts Toss Powell but Allow Paxton Discipline on Election Disputes, Earth Day Ethics, “Canceling Lawyers” Rec. Read, Fortney Wins ABA Ethics Award, Jobs, Events & More, Legal Ethics Roundup (Apr. 22, 2024). 

Renee Knake Jefferson, LER No. 40 - Hot Mike Recusal, Protests + Lawyers/Law Students, Senators Ask ABA About Rape Qs, AZ Indicts More Lawyers, Title VII & Judiciary, MN Court Majority Female, Jobs, Events & More, Legal Ethics Roundup (Apr. 29, 2024). 

Douglas K. Moll, Against Contractual Formalism in Shareholder Oppression Law, Harv. L. Sch. F. on Corp. Governance (Apr. 30, 2024) (invited contribution, with Benjamin Means). 

Amanda Watson, Show & Tell: Logic Models for Law Library Assessment, Spectrum, Mar./Apr. 2024, at 33.


Our colleagues shared the following offers for publication:

Alyson Drake & Amanda Watson, Legal Research in the Next Gen Era, 72 Buffalo L. Rev. (forthcoming 2024). 

Tracy Hester, The Law and Ethics of Advised Emissions, Env't F. (forthcoming September 2024). 

Sandra Guerra Thompson, Justice Ginsburg's Criminal Justice Legacy: Fair Tribunals, Fair Punishment, J. Crim. L. & Criminology (forthcoming). 

Albertus Accolades

Dean Leonard M. Baynes delivered welcoming remarks and participated in an afternoon panel discussion on April 12 co-hosted by the Law Center and College of Medicine titled, “Justice and Health for All: The Future of Affirmative Action in Legal and Medical Education.” Dean Baynes also moderated a panel of corporate general counsel and senior business executives at the 8th Annual North American EENR Conference on April 18.

Rob Brownell and Amanda Watson presented “The Legal Publication Crisis: Why the Status Quo is Unsustainable and a Revolutionary New Approach is Needed” at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Association of Law Libraries in Dallas on April 4.

Megan Davis presented “Not Every Change Is a Train Wreck: 5 Small Changes in Anticipation of NextGen from an Academic Support Professional” and “Practicing Inclusion in the Legal Writing Classroom” with Irene Ten Cate and Joy Kanwar (both of Brooklyn Law) at the 2024 Lonestar Regional Legal Writing Conference at the University of Houston Law Center on April 5.

Alyson Drake and Alissa Gomez presented "Bye, Bye, Birdie: What Is Wrong with These Kids? A Discussion of Techniques for Helping Students Transfer Their Learning" at the 2024 Lonestar Regional Legal Writing Conference at the University of Houston Law Center on April 5.

Chris Dykes presented “Securities Law Research” at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Association of Law Libraries in Dallas on April 4.

Leah R. Fowler served as the moderator for the Justice and Health for All: The Future of Affirmative Action in Legal and Medical Education Conference held at the University of Houston on April 12.

Nikolas Guggenberger presented his work-in-progress titled “Privacy by Adhesion” at Yale University’s Jackson School of Global Affairs on April 29. Professor Guggenberger presented on speech protection for platform operators and their content moderation as part of Columbia University’s Academic Roundtable: Examining Freedom of Online Communication Across Transatlantic Borders on April 30.

Tracy Hester moderated a public lecture at the Law Center by U.S. Chemical Safety Board Commissioner Catherine Sandoval about emergency response legal issues on April 3. He then spoke on April 12 at the State Bar of Texas' climate law conference about the legal ethics implications of "advised emissions" (i.e., requiring lawyers to track and disclose the greenhouse gas emissions facilitated by their legal advice to clients). Hester also hosted a fireside chat with Commissioner Catherine Gonzales of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality as the opening session of the EENR North American Energy Law Conference on April 18. Finally, Hester met in the Hague on April 30 with the prosecutor's office of the International Criminal Court to discuss possible expanded prosecution of environmental crimes at the ICC.

Douglas K. Moll will be the A.A. White Professor of Law starting on September 1. He also received the 2024 Professor of the Year award from the Order of the Barons.

Elizabeth Trujillo was invited to speak on a Roundtable with U.S. policy makers on “Trade and Environmental Sustainability” as part of the Rethinking World Trade 2024 Workshop for the Center for Inclusive Trade and Development at Georgetown University Law Center. She also participated in the American Society of International Law 2024 Annual Meeting in Washington DC, for which she has served as an Executive Council member. On April 25, Elizabeth Trujillo received a university-wide Faculty Excellence Award, the Global Faculty Award, granted by the Provost at the University Faculty Excellence Awards Ceremony, for demonstrating excellence in the promotion of globalization of teaching, research, and service.

Tiffany J. Tucker along with Diana Mercer, Greg Miarecki and Robin Thorner presented “Improving Institutional Effectiveness and Outcomes by Managing Up and Across” at the NALP Annual Education Conference held April 16-19.

Gina Warren chaired the 8th Annual North American Conference, “Energy in Transition: Obstacles and Opportunities for Carbon Capture, Infrastructure Repurposing, and a Resilient Electricity Grid,” held on April 18 in Houston. She presented “Justice and Health for All: The Future of Affirmative Action in Legal and Medical Education,” on April 12. She was a virtual guest speaker for The Environmental Law Teachers Clearinghouse, sponsored by Mercer Law School, presenting “Indoor Cannabis Cultivation and Environmental Justice,” April 1-5.

Kellen Zale participated as an invited commentator at the Yale Law Journal Symposium on State and Local Governance at Yale Law School on April 26-27.

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