February 2024


Douglas K. Moll, Against Contractual Formalism in Shareholder Oppression Law, 57 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 1867 (2024) (with Benjamin Means). 

Short Form and Online

Darren Bush, The Slingshot Episode 12, Sling (Jan. 30, 2024) (with Hal Singer & Zephyr Teachout).

Darren Bush, Why the FTC Needs to Intervene in Law School Rankings, Sling (Feb. 22, 2024).

Renee Knake Jefferson, Legal Ethics Roundup No. 28 - Black Writers on Justice, Legal Ethics on Netflix, ChatGPT Strikes Again, Judges in Hot Tubs + Texting at Trial, Rule 8.4(g) Before SCOTUS, Jobs, Events & More, Legal Ethics Roundup (Feb. 5, 2024).

Renee Knake Jefferson, Legal Ethics Roundup No. 29 - Reform Rape Q's for Bar, No "Witch Hunt" for Willis, a Horse in Judge Ads, a Valentine History, NAACP Win in SC for Nonlawyers, Jobs, Events & More, Legal Ethics Roundup (Feb.12, 2024).

Renee Knake Jefferson, Legal Ethics Roundup No. 30 - DA Willis Testifies, IN Opens Bar to Non-ABA Grads, Fake Cites + Chatbot Advice, UK Ethics "Lack of Energy," Accountability in Democracy, Ethics History, Events, Jobs & More, Legal Ethics Roundup (Feb.19, 2024).

Renee Knake Jefferson, Legal Ethics Roundup No. 31 - Dean Disbarred, SCOTUS Allows Election Lawyer Sanctions, FTX Conflict + Fraud Allegations, Above the Line Network Launches to Increase A2J, Ethics History, Jobs, Events & More, Legal Ethics Roundup (Feb. 26, 2024).

Valerie Gutmann Koch, Reforming Informed Consent to Include Comprehension: A Proposal to Promote Equity in Medical Decision Making, 2024 Cardozo L. Rev. De-Novo 8. 

Andrew C. Michaels, Elevating Corporate Profits Over Individual Liberty: Comparing AI Trade Secret Privilege in Criminal Proceedings with Patent Litigation, 14 Hous. L. Rev. Online 33 (2024).


Our colleagues shared the following offers for publication: 

Darren Bush, Breaking Up Bottlenecks in Big Tech and Everywhere Else: Two Remedies That Keep Your Packages Arriving in Two Days, U.C.L.J. (forthcoming 2025) (with Peter Carstensen). 

Darren Bush, Consumer Protection as Competition Policy, in Why Competition? Voices from the Antitrust Community and Beyond (Nicholas Charbit ed., Concurrences Books, forthcoming 2024) (with Spencer Waller).

Leah R. Fowler, Influencer Speech-Torts, 113 Geo. L.J. (forthcoming 2024) (with Max Helveston & Zoë Robinson). 

James D. Nelson, Disestablishing Work, 134 Yale L.J. (forthcoming). 

Laura Portuondo, Gendered Liberty, Geo. L.J. (forthcoming).

Jessica L. Roberts, Damned If You Do or Damned If You Don’t: The Medical Malpractice Implications of Consumer-Generated Polygenic Scores, Harv. J.L. & Tech (forthcoming) (symposium contribution with Sonia Suter).

Jessica L. Roberts, Innovating Accessible Health Care, Iowa L. Rev. (forthcoming).

Peter Salib, Abolition by Algorithm, Mich. L. Rev. (forthcoming). 

Peter Salib, AI Outputs Are Not Protected Speech, Wash. U. L. Rev. (forthcoming). 

Gina Warren, The Chronic Growing Problem: Environmental and Social Justice Concerns with Indoor Cannabis Grows, 45 Cardozo L. Rev. (forthcoming 2024).

Albertus Accolades

Dean Leonard M. Baynes, on February 5, introduced and welcomed historian Matthew F. Delmont, PhD, the 2024 Bracewell LLP Distinguished Lecture in Racial and Social Justice guest speaker for the Law Center’s Black History Month event. Dr. Delmont shared insights from his research book, “Half American: The Epic Story of African Americans Fighting World War II at Home and Abroad.” The event was moderated by Dean Baynes with commentary by UH CLASS Distinguished Professor and Chair of African American Studies, Tara Green, PhD. The evening concluded with a book signing and was attended by 170 unique virtual participants and over sixty in-person attendees. Dean Baynes provided welcoming remarks and opening comments at a CLE event on February 8 titled, Free Speech and Hate Speech: Where to Draw the Line. Speakers included UHLC professor David Dow, Dona Cornell, UH General Counsel, Larry Weeden, Professor, Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Shlomo Pill, Assistant Professor, Thurgood Marshall School of Law, and moderators UHLC professor Emily Berman, and Emran El-Badawi, Department Chair, Modern and Classical Languages at UH. The hybrid CLE event was co-sponsored by UH Law and UH Modern and Classical Languages College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences and included approximately 30 in-person attendees and 92 unique virtual participants. On February 13, Dean Baynes moderated a CLE event titled, Presidential Indictments, which included a joint conversation between the Law Center and the Hobby School of Public Affairs. UHLC professors Seth Chandler, Renee Knake Jefferson, Jessica Bregant, and UH Associate Political Science professor, Jeronimo Cortina comprised the panel of experts. Dean Baynes welcomed Texas Board of Law Examiners Chair, Augie Rivera, and Executive Director, Nahdiah Hoang, to the Law Center on February 15 for a meeting to discuss adoption of the NextGen Bar exam in Texas, bar exam accommodations, and law student wellness. The meeting included Associate Dean Greg Vetter, Assistant Dean Monica Mensah, Director of Wellness and Program Director of Mindfulness and Peak Performance Erin Dickson, Director of Academic Success Lisa Cohen, and Academic Initiatives Professors Megan Davis and Laurel Simmons. On February 16, Dean Baynes delivered welcoming remarks to judges and law students at a judicial lunch-n-learn event sponsored by the Career Development Office. Dean Baynes visited Oregon School of Law on February 20 as the keynote speaker for its 2024 Derrick Bell Lecture and African American Workshop and Speaker Series. The lecture was instituted in 2012 in honor of Oregon School of Law’s first African American dean and the series was created in 2015. The title of Dean Baynes presentation was, “Holding on to Race - SFFA vs. Harvard: The History of Race in Education and a Path Forward.” On February 21, Dean Baynes continued his travels to Portland, OR to network with alum Kirk Dobbins (J.D. ‘93), Vice President and Regional Counsel, Kaiser Permanente and thank him for his continued support and commitment to the Law Center. Dean Baynes met alumna Emily Whittenburg (J.D.), Nike Vice President, and Chief Tax Officer, on February 22 for a networking dinner in Portland, OR to discuss potential collaborations and opportunities with the Law Center and our students. On February 27, Dean Baynes gave welcoming remarks at the opening reception of the ABA International Law Section (ILS) conference and provided a brief overview of the John M. O’Quinn Law Building, our LLM programs, the global scope and reach of the law center and key energy connections, and the importance of having the Law Center as primary sponsor of the ABA ILS. 

Emily Berman spoke on a panel of lawyers and journalists regarding National Security and the Media hosted by the Houston Bar Association at South Texas College of Law on February 3. She presented her most recent paper, "Interbranch Bargaining," at the University of Arizona's annual National Conference of Constitutional Law Scholars on February 23 in Tucson, Arizona. 

Darren Bush Debated against Asheesh Argrawal in a UHLC Federalist Society program on antitrust and innovation, on January 29. He also discussed “Antitrust Economics as Faith,” in the Panel on Economic Regulation, Enforcement & the Administrative State at the Class Crits Conference at Southwestern Law School on February 9.

Seth Chandler gave a presentation on large language models in legal education to the faculty of South Texas College of Law Houston. 

Renee Knake Jefferson delivered the keynote address for the Access to Justice and the Future of Justice Work Conference at Arizona State University on February 28, discussing her new book Law Democratized: A Blueprint for Solving the Justice Crisis. 

Andrew C. Michaels helped to organize and host the Winter 2024 Junior Intellectual Property Scholars Association (JIPSA) conference held February 23-24 at the Law Center.  Michaels also presented his work in progress, Trademark Confusion as a Matter of Law, at the conference.

Douglas K. Moll has accepted an offer to join the treatise entitled "The Revised Uniform Partnership Act" by Robert Hillman, Donald Weidner, and Allan Donn (Thomson Reuters). Professor Moll will become an author of the treatise starting with the 2024-25 edition. 

Bret Wells, along with co-authors, submitted sixteen book chapters for the 6th edition of Federal Income Taxation of Corporations. Wells also gave three presentations at the University of San Diego and Chamberlain Hrdlicka International Tax Institute held February 19-20: a presentation on Pillar 2, base erosion and tax competition; a presentation on the United States Supreme Court tax decisions and Moore; and a presentation on Aroeste v. United States.

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