Jerome A. Barron, C. Thomas Dienes & Renee Knake Jefferson, Black Letter Outline on Constitutional Law (10th ed. 2022).
Jessica Bregant, Jennifer K. Robbennolt & Verity Winship, Perceptions of Settlement, 27 Harv. Negot. L. Rev. 93 (2022).
Darren Bush, What Texas Never Learned From the California Energy Crisis, Promarket (Aug. 26, 2022).
Darren Bush & Mark Glick, The “Conspiracy” of Consumer Welfare Theory, Promarket (Aug. 12, 2022).
Andrew Michaels, NFT Litigation is Raising Novel Trademark Questions, Law360 (Aug. 17, 2022).
Sarah Schindler & Kellen Zale, Runaway Rents: The Law is Failing Renters, The Hill: Congress Blog (Aug. 4, 2022).
Sarah Schindler & Kellen Zale, Opinion: Runaway Rents: The Law is Failing Renters, Austin American-Statesman (Aug. 24, 2022).
Our colleagues shared the following offers for publication:
Johnny Rex Buckles, A Tax Giant's View from Atop the Beanstalk, Fla.Tax Rev. (forthcoming 2023) (reviewing "A Half-Century with the Internal Revenue Code: The Memoirs of Stanley S. Surrey" (Lawrence A. Zelenak & Ajay K. Mehrotra eds., 2022)).
Johnny Rex Buckles, Constitutional Law and Tax Expenditures, Ark. L. Rev. (forthcoming 2023).
Darren Bush, Mark Glick & Gabriel Lozada, Why Economists Should Support Populist Antitrust Goals, Utah L. Rev. (forthcoming 2022).
David Fagundes & Saurabh Vishnubhakat, Copyright's Arthrex Problem, N.Y.U. L. Rev. Online (forthcoming 2023).
David Fagundes & Jorge Contreras, The Life Rights Puzzle, Harv. J. Sports & Ent. L. (forthcoming 2023).
Leah Fowler & Michael R. Ulrich, Femtechnodystopia, 75 Stan. L. Rev. (forthcoming 2023).
On August 3, Dean Leonard M. Baynes met with several alumni in Miami, FL to network and share updates about events at the Law Center, including the opening of the John M. O'Quinn Law Building. On August 11, Dean Baynes participated in a virtual Supreme Court Update Event, "Abortion After Dobbs: The New Legal Battlegrounds." He served as moderator on a panel that included Law Center faculty members Professors Seth Chandler and Emily Berman. Dean Baynes gave welcoming remarks at the August 12 Transfer Orientation, August 13 Part-time Orientation, and August 15 Full-time Orientation sessions. On August 17, Dean Baynes attended the Professionalism Dinner at the UH Hilton, where he delivered welcoming and closing remarks. During August, Dean Baynes conducted tours of the new John M. O'Quinn Law Building with the following alumni: Judge Jim Kovach, '91, former Schlumberger Secretary and General Counsel Alex Juden, '94, and Rep. Jolanda Jones, '95. Dean Baynes joined Assistant Dean Monica Mensah and the entering class of 2022 at the Houston Food Bank for the Law Center's annual Community Service Day Project on August 20. On August 31, Dean Baynes delivered welcoming remarks at the Public Interest Fellowship Luncheon. The luncheon was coordinated by Bill Powers, Director of Internship & Externship Programs, Career Development Office.
Jessica Bregant, Jennifer K. Robbenolt (University of Illinois), and Verity Winship (University of Illinois) were named winners of the AALS Section of Alternative Dispute Resolution's 2021 "Best Article" award for their article Perceptions of Settlement.
Kate Brem will serve as co-chair of the Association of Legal Writing Directors 2023 Biennial Conference Committee.
Johnny Buckles served on a panel discussion, the "Annual Supreme Court Round Up," for the Federalist Society Lawyers Division. He also discussed the recent Supreme Court Dobbs decision in the "Consider This" series of Woodridge Baptist Church of Kingwood, Texas. Professor Buckles was quoted in "Local Today" concerning the potential tax implications of a recent sermon by Pastor Ed Young of Houston's Second Baptist Church in which the pastor proposed an electoral response to rising crime in Houston.
Darren Bush was on several panels at the Southeastern Association of Law Schools (SEALS) Annual Conference, including a panel on Adam Smith, two Aspiring Law Teacher’s Workshops, Administrative Law Works in Progress (moderator), and Elon Musk and the Law.
Megan Davis was a panelist for a discussion on "Connecting and Thriving: Forming Inclusive Communities for Diverse Student Populations" at the Southeastern Association of Law Schools (SEALS) Annual Conference.
Dave Fagundes presented his paper, The Life Rights Puzzle, at the Southeastern Association of Law Schools (SEALS) Annual Conference on August 1 and at the Intellectual Property Scholars Conference at Stanford Law School on August 12.
On August 4, Nikolas Guggenberger presented the workshop, "The Barons and the Mob--A Workshop on Platforms, Crowds, and Regulation," for the Cornell Tech Research Lab in Applied Law + Technology. Professor Guggenberger was quoted in the article Study Finds 'Opaque' Privacy Protection Policies Across Top Period, Pregnancy Apps, published by Spectrum News.
Renee Knake Jefferson delivered a keynote address about her book, "Shortlisted: Women in the Shadows of the Supreme Court," at the International Women's Insolvency & Restructuring Confederation Leadership Conference in Minneapolis on August 5. She also presented at the International Legal Ethics Conference at UCLA Law School, August 13-14, where she was elected to the International Association of Legal Ethics Board of Directors. Her presentations at UCLA included a panel on her Yale Law Journal Forum essay Lawyer Lies and Political Speech and a discussion group about becoming a Fulbright Scholar.
Sapna Kumar presented her article, Centralizing Pharmaceutical Innovation, at the 2022 Intellectual Property Scholars Conference.
On August 5, Zachary D. Kaufman presented his article, Police Policing Police, at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association's American Psychology-Law Society, which was held in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Professor Kaufman also presented his paper, Lethal Force as Transitional Justice, at the UHLC Faculty Workshop on August 12. On August 18, Professor Kaufman spoke at an event about the Council on Foreign Relations International Affairs Fellowship (of which he was a recipient in 2016-17 to serve on the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee) hosted by the Truman National Security Project.
Teresa Messer was included on the 2023 Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch in America list by Best Lawyers. She also presented "Introduction to Asylum Law" at the South Texas College of Law Immigration Clinic.
Andrew Michaels and Aman Gebru were panelists discussing "Intellectual Property, NFTs, and Collective Creation" at the Southeastern Association of Law Schools (SEALS) Annual Conference.
The California State Bar used a question about community property authored by Thomas Oldham on the summer 2022 bar exam.
The Association of Legal Writing Directors (ALWD) awarded Lauren Simpson an Outstanding Service Award for her service on the ALWD Bylaws Committee. This is the second ALWD Outstanding Service Award Professor Simpson has received for her work on this committee.
Laurel Simmons will co-chair the Legal Writing Institute's (LWI) Global lawyering Committee for the next two years. Also chairing LWI committees for the next two years are Kate Brem (Scholarship Grants Committee) and Ken Swift (Co-Chairing, Teaching Resources Committee). Additionally, Whitney Heard, Hilary Reed, and Lauren Simpson will each be members of various LWI committees for the next two years.