Ashley Arrington, Let’s Make Room for Kindness in Research and Instruction, Rsch. Instruction & Patron Servs. Special Int. Section L. Libr. Blog (Sept. 9, 2020),
Leonard M. Baynes, The Notorious RBG Was My Professor in Law School and a Champion for Civil Rights, Hous. Chron. (Sept. 22, 2020),
Victor Flatt, Disclosing Danger: Attorney Ethics Rules Meet Climate Change, Bloomberg L. Insight (Sept. 16, 2020),
Victor Flatt & Joel Mintz, Pandemic Spawns Dangerous Relaxation of Environmental Regulations, Revelator (Sept. 14, 2020),
Renee Knake Jefferson & Hannah Brenner Johnson, Amy Coney Barrett and the Threat to Women’s Rights, N.Y. Daily News (Sept. 26, 2020),
Renee Knake Jefferson & Hannah Brenner Johnson, How RBG Went from a ‘Moderate’ Choice to a Fiery Dissenter, CNN (Sept. 25, 2020),
Renee Knake Jefferson & Hannah Brenner Johnson, The Legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, From the Square (Sept. 23, 2020),
Sandra Guerra Thompson & Brandon L. Garrett, Advancing Social and Racial Justice through Bail Reform, 58 Hous. Law., Sept./Oct. 2020, at 14,
Emily Berman, National Security Law and Counterterrorism Law Casebook (forthcoming).
Emily Berman, The Roles of the State and Federal Governments in a Pandemic, in COVID-19: The Legal Challenges (Stephen Dycus & Eugene R. Fidell eds. forthcoming 2021).
David R. Dow, Does Eliminating Life Tenure for Article III Judges Require a Constitutional Amendment?, Duke J. Const. L. & Pub. Pol’y (forthcoming Feb. 2021).
Leah Fowler, Lauren Schoen, Lindsey Limbaugh, Richa Lavingia, & Stephanie R. Morain, Faculty Parental Leave Policies at Top Health Law Programs, J. Legal Pro. (forthcoming).
Leah Fowler & Jessica Mantel, Thinking Outside the Silos: Information Sharing in Medical-Legal Partnerships, J. Legal Med. (forthcoming 2021).
Jessica Mantel, Protecting Disabled and Aged Patients from Discriminatory Triage Protocols, Nw. U. L. Rev. of Note COVID-19 Law Blog (forthcoming).
Andrew Michaels, Retroactivity and Appointments, 52 Loy. U. Chi. L.J. (forthcoming 2021).
Dean Leonard M. Baynes met with the President’s Roundtable of student leaders on September 1. During the virtual inaugural meeting they discussed hot topic issues and concerns and plans for a diversity and inclusion initiative for the 2020-21 academic year. Dean Baynes also gave a presentation about Law Center events, including an update on the new building. On Sep 15, Dean Baynes hosted the Dean's Distinguished Speaker Series featuring Frank H. Wu, President, Queens College, CUNY, who discussed civil rights and COVID-19. Co-sponsors of the virtual event include the UHLC Asian American Law Student Association, the Asian American Bar Association of Houston, the UHLC Diversity and Inclusion Committee, the Houston Bar Association and Houston Young Lawyers Association. On September 25, Dean Baynes attended a lunchtime virtual lecture regarding the Imposter Syndrome. The event was hosted by the Law Center’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee and featured UH Professor Holly Hutchins. Later that afternoon he presented on the topic “How to be an antiracist dean” at the ABA/LSAC Deans Dialogue. Deans Dialogue supports law schools deans and allied organizations to engage on critical updates and discussions during the COVID-19 crisis.
David R. Dow’s book, Confessions of an Innocent Man, was included on the shortlist for the annual Crook's Corner Book Prize. The winner of the Crook’s Corner Book Prize will be chosen from the shortlist by award-winning author, Monique Truong, and receive a $5,000 prize. The winner will be announced on January 11, 2021.
Meredith J. Duncan was appointed to West Academic’s Publishing Advisory Board.
Scott Ellis was named Best Mentor by Texas Lawyer in its annual Texas Legal Awards.
Victor Flatt guest lectured on climate change and attorney ethics at the University of Missouri Kansas City on September 2. On September 15, Flatt spoke at the Environmental Law Institute’s national webinar on climate change and attorney ethics. The ELI webinar featured comments about Professor Flatt’s Utah Law Review article “Disclosing the Danger: Attorney Ethics and Climate Change.” On September 24, he was also a speaker on the Center for Progressive Reform National Webinar. During the program, Flatt discussed the issues of climate impacts and hazardous wastes and floodwaters. He was also featured in an Associated Press article about waiver of environmental regulations under COVID. Professor Flatt has been asked to speak on COVID environmental enforcement waivers at the 15th annual State Judges Conference sponsored by the Center for Law and Economics at George Mason University Antonin Scalia School of Law, to be held at the end of October.
Whiney Heard co-presented “Together We Thrive: How an Advisory Council Can Help You, Your Students, and Your Legal Community,” with Professor Sarah Morath at the LWI 2020 Virtual Biennial Conference on September 18. She also accepted an invitation to serve as a member of the AWLD Teaching Grants committee for the 2020-2021 term and the LWI Lives committee for the 2020-2022 term.
Geoffrey Hoffman spoke to the ABA International Law Section on DACA and related issues on September 2. On September 15, Hoffman appeared with Professor Meredith J. Duncan and Dean Baynes at the webinar presentation of President of Queens College, Frank Wu. On September 25, Hoffman participated in the Imposter Syndrome webinar with co-chair of Diversity and Inclusion Committee Meredith Duncan. He also took an appeal to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Zachary Kaufman was a panelist on the International Law Faculty Information Session held by the University of Houston Law Center on September 24. On September 30, Professor Kaufman presented “Legislating Atrocity Prevention” to the U.S. Department of State Office of Global Criminal Justice. He was awarded a grant from the University of Haifa’s Minerva Center for the Study of the Rule of Law Under Extreme Conditions to conduct research on bystanders and upstanders. Kaufman consulted for the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee on a resolution declaring that the atrocity crimes perpetrated by the Chinese Communist Party against the Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region constitute genocide. He also consulted for a U.S. Congressperson on crafting the State Harassment and Assault Prevention and Eradication (SHAPE) Act, which was introduced to Congress on September 30.
Valerie Koch was a panelist for the Illinois Association of Healthcare Attorneys lecture “Ethical Considerations Arising from the Pandemic” on September 10.
Sapna Kumar spoke about the compulsory licensing of COVID-19 drugs at “Privacy and Intellectual Property in the Age of Coronavirus,” an online event organized by Seton Hall University School of Law’s Institute for Privacy Protection and the Gibbons Institute of Law, Science & Technology on September 17. On September 18, Kumar also presented “Patents, Pharma, and the Pandemic” at the Wiet Life Sciences Law Scholars Workshop hosted by Loyola University School of Law. Four papers were selected for this workshop including a paper from Professors Jessica L. Roberts and Leah Fowler.
Andrew Michaels presented “Retroactivity and Appointments” at the South Texas College of Law Houston Faculty Scholarship Exchange. Michaels also presented “Artificial Intelligence, Legal Change, and Separation of Powers” for the University of Houston Assistant Professor Excellence Series on September 23.
Thomas Oldham was appointed to the Board of Editors of the ABA Family Law Quarterly. He also worked with the Houston Journal of International Law to produce a symposium relating to post-divorce spousal support policies in a number of countries. Throughout this year and into next summer, Oldham will be working with the journal to create a symposium issue relating to the regulation of the rights of unmarried partners in various countries.
Jessica L. Roberts presented “No Uncertain Terms (Regulation of Consumer Health Technology)” with Research Assistant Professor Leah Fowler at the 2020 Wiet Life Science Law Scholars Workshop hosted by Loyola University School of Law. Roberts and Fowler were also workshop participants at the 2020 AALS Law, Medicine, & Health Care Section Workshop.
Kellen Zale was awarded the Grant to Enhance Research on Racism from the University of Houston. Zale also presented “The Second-Class Status of Tenants” at the State and Local Government Works-in-Progress Conference, hosted by Willamette University College of Law on September 24.