Katherine Brem, "The Power of Words," AALS LWRR Section Newsletter, Summer 2020, at 8.
Tracy Hester and Judy Perry Martinez, “Views from the Chair,” Trends (July 7, 2020) https://www.americanbar.org/groups/environment_energy_resources/publications/trends/2019-2020/july-aug-2020/views-from-the-chair/.
Geoffrey Hoffman, “Chief Justice Roberts Gave Us a Roadmap for a Way Forward on DACA,” Yale Journal on Regulation Notice and Comment Blog (July 7, 2020) https://www.yalejreg.com/nc/chief-justice-roberts-gave-us-a-roadmap-for-a-way-forward-on-daca-by-geoffrey-a-hoffman/.
Geoffrey Hoffman and Carrie Rosenbaum, “The Supreme Court’s DACA Decision Did Not Authorize an Authoritarian Power Grab,” ImmigrationProf Blog (July 29, 2020) https://lawprofessors.typepad.com/immigration/2020/07/guest-post-the-supreme-courts-daca-decision-did-not-authorize-an-authoritarian-power-grab-by-carrie-.html.
Andrew Michaels, “Arthrex Remands: Treat or Trick?,” Patently-O (July 19, 2020) https://patentlyo.com/patent/2020/07/arthrex-remands-treat.html.
Irene Ten Cate, “Do You Want to Be a Fulltime Legal Writing Professor?,” Summary, Judgment (July 13, 2020) https://www.summarycommajudgment.com/blog/do-you-want-to-be-a-fulltime-legal-writing-professor.
Amanda Watson, “Controlled Digital Lending Panel Recap,” American Association of Law Libraries Computing Services Special Interest Section Blog (July 6, 2020) http://blog.cssis.org/2020/07/06/controlled-digital-lending-panel-recap/.
Our colleagues shared the following offers for publication:
David R. Dow & Craig Smyser, 49 Texas Practice Series: Contract Law (forthcoming Supp. 2020).
Ellen Marrus & Pamela Laufer-Ukeles, Global Reflections on Children's Rights (forthcoming 2021).
Daniel S. Kleinberger & Douglas K. Moll, The Limited Effect of "Maximum Effect," Business Law Today (forthcoming 2020).
Colin P. Marks & Douglas K. Moll, The Law of Business Torts & Unfair Competition: Cases, Materials, and Problems (forthcoming 2021-22).
Kenneth Swift, Five Truths Learned After a Dozen Years of Asynchronous Online Teaching, St. Louis U.L.J. (forthcoming 2021).
Irene Ten Cate, Hard Cases in Investor-State Arbitration (Comment), Harvard Int'l L. J. (forthcoming 2020).
Ronald Turner, Tactical Invocation of Icons in Support of the Anti-Affirmative Action Position: The Need for Skepticism, Northwestern Law Review Online (forthcoming 2020).
Ronald Turner, Employment Discrimination Law: Cases and Materials (forthcoming 8th ed. supp. 2020).
Dean Leonard M. Baynes along with Professor Sandy Guerra Thompson, Law Alumni Relations, and the Diversity and Inclusion Committee hosted a Virtual Salon with Hispanic law alumni on July 1. Faculty, staff, students, and alumni gathered to meet the newest Hispanic faculty, Professors Daniel Morales and Elizabeth Trujillo, hear an overview of Law Center events and updates, receive information about the start of the Hispanic Law Alumni group, and network. On July 7, he met with admitted students during a virtual forum of Discussion with the Dean. At a virtual reception for Mexico City Alumni & Friends held on July 9, Dean Baynes delivered welcoming remarks and gave an overview of Law Center updates. Attendees were able to network and share their experience as Mexican alumni or students having done an externship in Mexico City. On July 10, Dean Baynes and Alfonso Lopez de la Osa Escribano virtually met with the General Counsel of the Mexican Foreign Ministry, Alejandro Celorio, and Deputy Consul General from Mexico in Houston, Adolfo García Estrada, to discuss long term collaborations between the Mexican Foreign Ministry and the Center for U.S. and Mexican Law at the Law Center. The group discussed future externships, proposed topics for joint research and publications, and the annual International Law Workshop, which is organized by the Mexican Foreign Ministry and will take place virtually in October 2020. On July 13, Dean Baynes and Professors Daniel Morales and Elizabeth Trujillo, along with Alfonso Lopez de la Osa Escribano and Karen Jones met with six deans from Mexican law schools for a virtual discussion about collaborative opportunities between the universities, student and faculty mobility in North America (through NACLE consortium), and the Bilingual Dispute Resolution Competition. Dean Baynes gave opening remarks at a Virtual Gathering and Networking Event for African American UHLC students, alumni, faculty, staff, and friends on July 16. The event, moderated by Professor Meredith Duncan and sponsored by the Diversity and Inclusion Committee, was hosted to provide an opportunity for virtual networking and to discuss recent race issues and other current events, primarily from the perspective of some of our students. On July 17, he appeared as a guest during a Jackson Walker podcast interview on Fast Takes, where he gave an overview and brief history of the UHLC Pre-Law Pipeline Program, how the program has adapted to the pandemic, and the opportunities the program provides to participating students. On July 24, Dean Baynes attended the UHLC Pre-Law Pipeline Program’s Closing Ceremony and delivered closing remarks to graduating scholars.
Emily Berman participated as a commentator in the University of Florida’s National Security Junior Scholars Workshop on July 15, 2020.
Katherine Brem spoke at the Southeastern Association of Law Schools 2020 Conference in a panel entitled “Developing Content for Online Courses” on July 31, 2020. Brem received the Association of Legal Writing Directors' 2020 award for outstanding service. In collaboration with the ALWD Online/Distance Education Committee, she published ALWD's Guide to Teaching LRW in an Online Classroom.
David Dow discussed his most recent book, Confessions of an Innocent Man, via Zoom, with the monthly book group at Congregation Beth Israel on July 15. With the assistance of Clinical Professor Jeff Newberry, and the students and interns in the UHLC death penalty clinic, Dow filed federal court pleadings on behalf of two death row inmates, and state court pleadings on behalf of two others.
Katya Dow secured a $50,000 general operations grant for the Juvenile and Children's Advocacy Project from the Greater Houston Community Foundation. She also continues to serve on the Harris County Youth Collective as well as the Supreme Court of Texas' Children's Commission Task Force on Dual Status Youth. Since February, Dow has given juvenile record sealing trainings at four Houston law firms, and thereby recruited and trained more than 60 local attorneys to perform pro bono record sealings, to supplement the sealing work being done by UH law students in the Juvenile Representation Clinic.
Dave Fagundes presented "Copyright's Administrative Law" at the 2020 Intellectual Property Scholars Conference on July 17. On July 31, Fagundes organized and moderated the panel “Property and Well-Being” for the Southeastern Association of Law Schools 2020 Conference. He was also elected a member of the American Law Institute.
Victor Flatt moderated and presented on a panel entitled “Tips and Traps for Moving 1L Classes Online” on July 31 for the Southeastern Association of Law Schools 2020 Conference.
Tracy Hester organized and moderated the second workshop of an on-going series with EPA on Superfund reform on July 17, 2020. This workshop brought together the American College of Environmental Lawyers, the American Association of Law School’s environmental section, and the ABA Section on Environment, Energy and Resources for direct discussions with the leaders of EPA’s Superfund and hazardous waste programs. On July 22, Hester participated in the meeting of Regents for the Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation as part of its Annual Institute. On July 28 and 29, he joined other climate intervention scholars for an invitation-only workshop on scenario building for geoengineering governance. On July 30, Hester and Widener University School of Law Professor John Dernbach co-moderated a discussion panel at the Southeastern Association of Law School’s 2020 Conference entitled “Sustainable Development” which explored methods to teach and implement sustainability law classes.
Geoffrey Hoffman attended a virtual "check in" with students as part of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee. He also had various meetings in connection with the Calhoun Road renaming petition, drafted with Professor Meredith Duncan, and worked with members of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee on planning a number of events for the fall 2020 semester.
Zachary Kaufman presented “Digital Age Samaritans” at the University of Houston Law Center on July 1. On July 6, he presented “Digital Age Samaritans” at the Duke Law Center for Science and Justice Criminal Justice Works in Progress gathering. He also presented “Digital Age Samaritans” at the Criminal Law Works-in-Progress Series on July 9. Kaufman accepted an invitation to join Joe Biden’s presidential campaign’s foreign policy team. He also consulted for the University of Chicago Law School’s Immigrants’ Rights Clinic on a case.
Valerie Koch presented her article “Crisis Standards of Care and Legal Liability Shields” to the American Society for Bioethics & Humanities Law & Bioethics Affinity Group on July 1. Koch was quoted in a 10 Tampa Bay WTSP television interview and subsequent article entitled “Family Speaks Out After Father Dies from COVID-19 in Nursing Home” on July 17. She was also quoted in a Modern Healthcare article “McConnell Draws ‘Red Line’ Over Liability Protections“ on July 17 and a Forbes article “Disabled Discriminated Against By Crisis Health Plans, Groups Charge In Federal Complaints“ on July 27.
Sapna Kumar presented "Patents, Pharma, and the Pandemic" as part of the University of Iowa Innovation, Business, and Law Center’s Summer Speaker Series on July 9.
Ellen Marrus presented a webinar entitled “Role of Counsel in Juvenile Cases: Does it Change in a Pandemic,” hosted by the Center for Children, Law & Policy at the University of Houston Law Center on July 24.
Andrew Michaels presented “Retroactivity and Appointments” at the University of Houston WIP Workshop on July 17. On July 31 Michaels organized and presented in a panel entitled “Tensions in Patent Law” for the Southeastern Association of Law Schools 2020 Conference.
Thomas Oldham continues to confer with the drafting committees of two proposed uniform laws, the Uniform Economic Rights of Unmarried Cohabitants Acts and the Uniform Disposition of Community Property Rights at Death Act.
Kenneth Swift was appointed to the Association of Legal Writing Directors Online/Distance Learning Committee.
Irene Ten Cate was selected to join the Editorial Board and name an Essay Editor for Legal Writing: The Journal of the Legal Writing Institute on July 20.
Elizabeth Trujillo was quoted in a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation article entitled “The New NAFTA Tried Not to Change Too Much—and then the Pandemic Changed Everything,” which discussed the implementation of the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).
Amanda Watson was installed as president of the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Legal Information Technology Special Interest Section (LIT-SIS). Watson was also elected as a member of the executive board of AALL Academic Law Libraries Special Interest Section (ALL-SIS). On July 20, she was a speaker on a panel entitled “Getting to No: Setting Boundaries and Pushing Back Strategically” during the American Association of Law Libraries 2020 Conference. Watson was also chosen to teach three sessions of "Assessing Student Participation" by the University of Houston Faculty Engagement and Development Center.
Kellen Zale was confirmed as a Board Member to the Advisory Board of the Houston Land Bank during the Houston City Council’s July 22 meeting. Zale also was a panelist for an American Planning Association webinar presentation entitled "Housing for Diversity: Ending Segregation Through Zoning.”