May 2020

Books & Chapters

Richard M. Alderman & Dee Pridgen, Consumer Credit and the Law (2020). (Two volumes)
Richard M. Alderman, Jolina C. Cuaresma & Dee Pridgen, Consumer Protection and the Law (2020). (Two volumes)
David Crump & John T. Parry, Criminal Law: Cases, Statutes, Lawyering Strategies (4th ed. 2020). 
Frank W. Elliott, Kathryn Geiger, John E. Krahmer, Elizabeth Stone Miller, Robert A. Ragazzo & Nancy Saint-Paul, Methods of Practice (2020). 
Elizabeth Stone Miller & Robert Ragazzo, Business Organizations (3d ed. 2020). 
Ernest E. Smith & Jacqueline Lang Weaver, Texas Law of Oil and Gas (2020). 
David Westfall, George Mair & Johnny Buckles, Estate Planning Law and Taxation (2020). 


Dave Fagundes, Introduction: The Twenty-Fourth Annual Frankel Lecture, 57 Hous. L. Rev. 773 (2020).
Leah Fowler, Charlotte Gillard & Stephanie Morain, Teenage Use of Smartphone Applications for Menstrual Cycle Tracking, 145:5 Pediatrics DOI: 10.1542 (2020).
Andrew C. Michaels, Artificial Intelligence, Legal Change, and Separation of  Powers, 88 U. Cin. L. Rev. 1083 (2020).
D. Theodore Rave, Tort Claims As Property Rights, 69 DePaul L. Rev. 587 (2020). 
Ronald Turner, W(h)ither Glucksberg?, 15 Duke J. Gender L. & Pol'y 184 (2020).
Ronald Turner, Was Brown v. Board of Education Correctly Decided?, 79 Md. L. Rev. Online 41 (2020).

Short Form & Online Publications

Dave Fagundes, �HOAs and Residents with COVID-19,� NULR of Note (May 25, 2020).

Geoffrey Hoffman, �BIA Continues Line of Cases Validating Deficient NTAs Despite Grave Errors,� ImmigrationProf Blog (May 17, 2020).

Renee Knake, "No Men Allowed: With Biden's All-Female VP Shortlist Women are Finally Gaining Political Ground,� The Hill (May 1, 2020).

Renee Knake, �Guest Blogging About Shortlisted: Women in the Shadows of the Supreme Court,� The Faculty Lounge (May 12, 2020).

Renee Knake, �Finding Women on Supreme Court Shortlists,� The Faculty Lounge (May 18, 2020).

Renee Knake, �What Does It Mean to Be "Shortlisted"?,� The Faculty Lounge (May 24, 2020).

Amanda Watson, �Oral Arguments at SCOTUS During Quarantine,� American Association of Law Libraries Computing Services Special Interest Section Blog (May 18, 2020).


Our colleagues shared the following offers for publication:

Richard Alderman, Texas Consumer Law: Cases and Materials (forthcoming 2020-2021).

Emily Berman, The State and Federal Roles in Pandemic Response, Journal of National Security Law and Policy, Special COVID-19 Issue (forthcoming 2020). SSRN:

Katherine B. Brem, Grading Without Grades, 29 Persps. (forthcoming Fall 2020).

D. Theodore Rave, Opioid Cases and State MDLs, 70 DePaul L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2021) (with Zachary Clopton). SSRN:

Ronald TurnerEqual Protection and Mythical and Narrativized Colorblindness in a Raced World, University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law (forthcoming 2021).

Kellen Zale, Access to Public Lands During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Northwestern University Law Review Of Note Blog (forthcoming 2020).

Albertus Accolades

Leonard Baynes delivered a welcome message by video to students attending orientation in the Pipeline Program on May 4. He greeted participants and delivered opening remarks at the Houston Journal of International Law�s virtual banquet on May 8. On May 13, Dean Baynes, U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas Judge Jeff Brown ('95), Texas State Bar President Randy Sorrells, and Associate Dean Sondra Tennessee officially welcomed recent Law Center graduates to the legal profession during a virtual swearing-in ceremony via Zoom video conference. On May 21, Dean Baynes moderated the inaugural Black Law Alumni event. Alumni panelists gathered via Zoom to network and discuss how to succeed during a pandemic. The Black Law Alumni organization is a new affinity group that is part of the Law Alumni Association. On May 22, Dean Baynes, along with Law Center faculty, administrators, alumni, and staff released a celebratory video to 2020 J.D. and LL.M. graduates. Dean Baynes delivered opening remarks and welcomed alumni and professional staff at the first virtual Law Alumni Association meeting on May 28. Approximately 78 alumni from different states joined remotely. Dean Baynes also gave an update about Law Center happenings and the new building. On May 29, Dean Baynes, Yale Law Dean Heather Gerken, and CUNY Law Dean Mary Lu Bilek served as panelists for an ongoing virtual deans� dialogue discussing the challenges of clinical education in the midst of COVID-19.
Emily Berman appeared on Houston Public Media�s Houston Matters to discuss the live streaming of the U.S. Supreme Court�s oral arguments. She was also quoted in a Houston Chronicle article regarding legal challenges to COVID-19 restrictions in Texas.
Leah Fowler received the Law Center�s 2020 Ethel M. Baker Faculty Award.
Geoffrey Hoffman was a discussion leader and panelist for a webinar sponsored by the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) on May 8. Topics included recent BIA and AG decisions as well as circuit immigration decisions. Professor Hoffman also advised the County Commissioner's office on the potential repercussions and legal consequences of Department of Homeland Security v. Regents of the University of California, a Supreme Court case involving the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
Zachary Kaufman consulted for the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee on a resolution about the International Criminal Court. �Rescuing Law: On Fetal Harms, Moms, Migrants, and #MeToo,� a panel organized and proposed by Professor Kaufman, has been accepted for the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Association of American Law Schools. The other panelists will be Shalini Bhargava Ray, Meghan Boone, and Sarah Swan, and the moderator will be Jay Silver. Professor Kaufman has accepted an invitation to serve on the American Society of International Law�s 2020 Research Forum Committee for the Society�s Midyear Meeting. He was a panelist on the �Joint J.D./LL.M. Program Information Session and Panel� at the University of Houston Law Center on May 13. He was also a panelist on �Balancing Policy, Advocacy, and Research� for the International Studies Association on May 20. He presented �Digital Age Samaritans� at Stanford Law School on May 22, and at the Law and Society Association�s 2020 Annual Meeting on May 29.
Renee Knake appeared on Texas Standard, the Top of Mind podcast, the ABA Journal Modern Law Library podcast, WNYC�s All of It with Alison Stewart, and Houston Matters to discuss her new book, Shortlisted: Women in the Shadows of the Supreme Court. The National Law Journal published an interview with Professor Knake, and her book was featured in the Chicago Law Bulletin and on the Observer website.
Andrew Michaels was selected as a speaker for the University of Houston�s Assistant Professor Excellence Speaker Series.

Michael Olivas was among a group of immigration law scholars who submitted an amici curiae brief in the case of Mayor and City Council of Baltimore v. Donald J. Trump, (No. 1:18-cv-3636-ELH) (D. Md. 2020). NYU Press featured Professor Olivas�s new book, Perchance to DREAM: A Legal and Political History of the DREAM Act and DACA and Professor Renee Knake's new book, Shortlisted: Women in the Shadows of the Supreme Court as part of its Law and Society virtual exhibit for 2020. Professor Michael Olivas' new book, Perchance to Dream: A Legal and Political History of the DREAM Act and DACA, was reviewed by KIRKUS.

D. Theodore Rave presented �Opioid Cases and State MDLs� at the DePaul University College of Law�s 26th Annual Clifford Symposium on Tort Law and Social Policy. The topic of the symposium was �The Opioid Crisis: Where Do We Go from Here?�
Kellen Zale received a grant award of $8000 from the University of Nebraska Governance and Technology Center for her research proposal to study how governance models have been operationalized and how effective they have been in addressing the specific challenges posed by scale in the sharing economy, with a particular focus on state and local regulation of home-sharing. 

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