Jessica L. Roberts & Alexandra L. Foulkes, Genetic Duties, 62 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 143 (2020).
Ashley Arrington, More on Kindness: The Power of Self-Compassion, Rsch. Instruction & Patron Servs. Special Int. Section L. Libr. Blog (Oct. 14, 2020).
Leonard M. Baynes & Jennifer Collins, Opinion: Black Attorneys Matter. We Must Diversify Texas Law Firms., Hous. Chron. (Oct. 15, 2020).
Emily Berman, Ryan Goodman, Tess Bridgeman, & Dakota Rudesill, The Good Governance Papers: An Introduction, Just Security (Oct. 14, 2020).
Emily Berman, Good Governance Paper No. 2: The Congressional Subpoena Power, Just Security (Oct. 14, 2020).
Geoffrey Hoffman, A Misrepresentation Wrapped in a Misunderstanding about Immigration Adjudication, LexisNexis Legal Newsroom Immigr. L. (Oct. 27, 2020).
Kourtney James & Alison Plavin, Kitchen Table Connections: Using Remote Technology to Conduct Employer Outreach, NALP Bull. (Oct. 2020).
Zachary D. Kaufman, What Makes People Save Lives? Learning from Upstanders and Bystanders, N.Y. Daily News (Oct. 27, 2020).
Renee Knake Jefferson, Why Amy Coney Barrett Must Recuse Herself from Election-Related Cases, N.Y. Daily News (Oct. 26, 2020).
Douglas Moll, Defining the Closely Held Corporation for Purposes of Oppression-Related Relief, Bus. L. Prof Blog (Oct. 14, 2020).
Laura Oren, Opinion: The Separation of 545 Children Echoes Argentina’s ‘Dirty War’, Hous. Chron. (Oct. 29, 2020).
Amanda Watson, CS-SIS is Now LIT-SIS, LIT-SIS Blog (Oct. 27, 2020).
Our colleagues shared the following offers for publication:
D. Theodore Rave & Francis E. McGovern, A Hub-and-Spoke Model of Multidistrict Litigation, Law & Contemp. Probs. (forthcoming 2021).
Tracy Hester, Consent Decrees as Emergent Environmental Law, Mo. L. Rev. (forthcoming Fall 2021).
Jessica L. Roberts, Ellen Wright Clayton, Paul S. Appelbaum, Wendy K. Chung, Gary E. Marchant & Barbara J. Evans, Does the Law Require Reinterpretation and Return of Revised Genomic Results?, Genetics in Med. (forthcoming 2020).
Jessica L. Roberts, Leah Fowler & Nicolas P. Terry, Data Management, in Assessing Legal Responses To COVID-19 (Scott Burris et al. eds., 2d. ed. forthcoming 2021).
Gina Warren, Marijuana, Energy & the Climate, B.U. L. Rev. (forthcoming 2021).
Dean Leonard M. Baynes delivered opening remarks at the Fall 2020 Women of the Law virtual event held on October 6, which featured Professor Renee Knake Jefferson and her recently released book, Shortlisted: Women in the Shadows of the Supreme Court. On October 8, Dean Baynes attended and welcomed the Houston Law Review’s virtual 25th Annual Frankel Lecture Reception keynote speaker, Angela Onwuachi-Willig, Dean and Professor of Law at Boston University School of Law. On October 9, he introduced Dean Angela Onwuachi-Willig along with Frankel Lecture commentators Dean Tamara Lawson of St. Thomas University School of Law, and Professor Aya Gruber of the Colorado School of Law. On October 14, Dean Baynes participated in an AALS/LSAC gathering of law school deans for a virtual conversation about the AALS’s Study of the American Law School Dean. Dean Baynes hosted Law Center student leaders for their monthly President’s Roundtable on October 20, where he gave an update about Law Center activities and whether classes will continue to be primarily online during the spring semester. He also encouraged soon-to-be graduates to stay involved. On October 22, Dean Baynes delivered opening remarks at the LLSA Event "Conversation with Dean Varona: Navigating the Legal Field as a Diverse Student.” Dean Baynes also spoke on the importance of networking at the Mentoring Program Kickoff virtual event hosted by Career Development on October 23. On October 26, he attended and gave closing remarks at the Lone Star Legal Aid Pro Bono Project Celebration, featuring the Honorable Justice Eva Guzman. On October 27, Dean Baynes, along with Law Center alumni, faculty, staff, and students, attended a lunchtime panel discussion, hosted by the Diversity and Inclusion Committee, which discussed the legal implications of Amy Coney Barrett's Supreme Court nomination. On October 28, he gave a presentation about the Law Center’s Pre-Law Pipeline Program to the Intellectual Property Owners (IPO) Association’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee. On October 28, Dean Baynes was interviewed by about the upcoming Black Lawyers Matter conference. On October 30, Dean Baynes and the Law Center, along with Dean Jennifer Collins and SMU Dedman School of Law co-convened the inaugural “Black Lawyers Matter: Strategies to Enhance Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” virtual webinar. There were over 1,000 individual unique viewers throughout the day and ultimately over 1,700 registrants. During the event Dean Baynes provided introductions and spoke as part of a panel entitled “The LSAT, Socioeconomics and U.S. News & World Report.”
Emily Berman was invited to join as co-author on leading National Security Law and Counterterrorism Law casebooks.
Seth Chandler was a speaker at the 2020 Wolfram Technology Conference, held virtually October 6 through October 9. His presentation on "The Costs of Equality" is available here.
David R. Dow spoke on Race and the Criminal Justice System at the annual conference of New Capital Management, held remotely on October 30, 2020.
Victor Flatt was asked to speak on COVID environmental enforcement waivers at the 15th annual State Judges Conference sponsored by the Center for Law and Economics at George Mason University Antonin Scalia School of Law, held at the end of October. Professor Flatt presented on the legality of the Trump CEQ”s NEPA rulemaking at the Houston Bar Association’s Environment and Energy Law Sections’ meeting on October 20. Professor Flatt was selected to be the lead off speaker for the 2021 AALS joint program on Environmental Law and Securities Regulation.
Tracy Hester served as the moderator for the panel “Plastic Pollution: Responsibility, Liability, and Legal Solutions” as part of the 28th Fall Conference of the American Bar Association Section on Environment, Energy & Resources on October 20. On October 22, he presented “The Surge Next Time: Legal and Policy Responses to Coastal Climate Emergencies” as the keynote speaker at the joint session of Houston-Galveston area LEPC Community Advisory Panel.
Geoffrey Hoffman organized and moderated the Immigration Clinic Virtual Panel: Hot Topics in Immigration event on October 29, which included speakers discussing their clinical experience and current practice areas. As part of his work as co-chair of diversity committee, Hoffman organized a UHLC panel on legal issues surrounding nomination and confirmation of now Justice Amy Coney Barrett on October 27.
Renee Knake Jefferson was interviewed by Voice of America about her book Shortlisted: Women in the Shadows of the Supreme Court on October 3. On October 9, she presented her forthcoming article, Judicial Ethics in a #MeToo World, at Fordham Law School. On October 11, Knake Jefferson appeared on MSNBC’s The Week with Joshua Johnson to discuss the Amy Coney Barrett nomination to the Supreme Court. She was also interviewed about the Amy Coney Barret confirmation hearings by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation on October 18. On October 23, Knake Jefferson appeared on the Heritage Foundation’s SCOTUS 101 Podcast. On October 27, she spoke at a University of Houston Law Center CLE event to discuss the legal implications of the Amy Coney Barret confirmation. Knake Jefferson delivered several talks on her book, Shortlisted: Women in the Shadows of the Supreme Court, at events throughout the month including: a panel hosted by the University of Texas Center for Women in the Law on October 5, the University of Houston Women of the Law panel on October 6, the New Civil Liberties Alliance Lunch & Law panel series on October 16, the Wake Forest Law School Women in Law panel on October 20, and at the Fall for the Book Festival on October 30.
Zachary Kaufman presented “Digital Age Samaritans” at the Chicagoland Junior Scholars Conference, hosted by the Northern Illinois University College of Law on October 2. He also presented at a panel entitled “What is International Law?” hosted by the International Law Society at the University of Houston Law Center on October 7. Kaufman consulted for the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Section 14117 of the Department of State Authorization Act, regarding authorization of the U.S. Department of State Office of Global Criminal Justice. He consulted for the U.S. Department of State Office of Global Criminal Justice on various matters. Kaufman also consulted for the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Section 1299E of the National Defense Authorization Act, regarding mitigation and prevention of atrocities in high-risk countries. Kaufman along with several colleagues filed an amicus brief in support of respondents in Nestle v. Doe (Nos. 19-416 & 19-453), currently pending before the U.S. Supreme Court. He also signed letter among academics calling to embrace diversity and critical perspective in national security law. As part of the Prevention and Protection Working Group, Kaufman contributed to civil society assessment of the 2020 Report to Congress Pursuant to the Elie Wiesel Genocide and Atrocities Prevention Act.
Valerie Gutmann Koch was a panelist for the American Society for Bioethics and the Humanities Legal Updates 2020: Top 10 Legal Developments in Bioethics. On October 6, Koch spoke as part of the “Informed Consent Ruling: Contrary to Ethical Standards for Upholding the Primacy of Surgeon-Patient Interaction?” panel for the American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress 2020.
Sapna Kumar presented "Patents, Pharma, and the Pandemic" at the FDA Law Seminar at the University of Michigan Law School.
David Kwok presented “Section versus the Criminogenic Law School” at the Chicagoland Junior Scholars Conference, hosted by the Northern Illinois University College of Law on October 2.
Jessica Mantel presented at the 14th Annual Beazley Institute Symposium: Viewing Health Justice Through the Lens of Public Health Crises, hosted by Loyola University Chicago School of Law on October 30. Her presentation “Utilizing Community Integrated Health Teams During Public Health Crises” discussed how community integrated health teams can leverage their expertise and resources to support public health efforts to address COVID-19.
Douglas Moll presented “Contracting Out of Partnership” at the 4th Annual Business Transactions: Connecting the Treads event hosted by the University of Tennessee School of Law, Knoxville, on October 16.
Professor Emeritus Michael A. Olivas was among a group of immigration scholars who authored an amicus brief challenging President Trump’s proclamation that suspended certain categories of non-immigrant visas in National Association of Manufacturers v. U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security.
Jessica L. Roberts was an invited panelist at the NSF SATC Frontier Virtual Workshop on Privacy Aspects of Contact Tracing, where she presented and discussed Infectious Disease Surveillance on October 2. On October 3, she presented “No Uncertain Terms: Regulation of Consumer Health Technology” with Research Assistant Professor Leah Fowler and Professor Jim Hawkins, at the 2020 Emory University School of Law Workshop on Vulnerability & Corporate Subjectivity. On October 8, Roberts was a panelist for a lecture entitled “Genetic Race? An Exploration of Ancestry Testing and Racial Identity” for the 2020 Mellon Sawyer Seminar Series hosted by Duke University. On October 29, Roberts presented “GINA, Big Data, and the Future of Employee Privacy” at the 2020 American Society of Human Genetics Virtual Meeting. She was also a participant at the 2020 AALS Law, Medicine & Health Care Section virtual workshop.
Irene Ten Cate presented her paper "Splitting the Baby" at the American Society of International Law Midyear Meeting and Research Forum on October 29.
Gina Warren was invited to present “Sustainable Tourism” at the 11th Annual Colloquium on Environmental Scholarship, hosted by Vermont Law School on September 26. Warren also moderated “Low-Carbon Electricity Grid,” as part of the Energy Symposium Series, hosted by UH Energy on October 16.
Jacqueline L. Weaver was awarded the Annual Distinguished International Negotiator Award by the Association of International Petroleum Negotiators (AIPN).