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Institute For Higher Education Law And Governance IHELG Research and Service Agenda Institute Monograph Series Campaign 2002 (20th Anniversary Programs) Society of American Law Teachers' (SALT) B.A. to J.D. Pipeline Program University of Houston Law Center and Arte Publico Press Sponsor Conference on Hernandez v. Texas at Fifty IHELG Houston Higher Education Finance Roundtable, 2018-May 23-25, 2018 Invitational Conference on Texas Lawyer Alonso Perales (1898-1960), January 12-13, 2012, University of Houston

The University of Houston, Arte Público Press, through the Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage Program, the Special Collections Department of the MD Anderson Library, and the UH Law Center announce that the papers of Alonso Perales have been acquired and are available for scholarly examination. Alonso Perales (1898-1960) was among the most important organizational figures and public intellectuals of his time, and was instrumental in early 20th century Mexican American political development in Texas. Perales graduated from George Washington University School of Law in 1926, making him one of the earliest Mexican American attorneys to practice law in Texas. He not only had a successful law practice, but helped found the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), served his country in several diplomatic capacities, and was a prolific writer.
SUMMER 2000 SYMPOSIUM ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY The Law and Higher Education: Cases and Materials on Colleges in Court EU/UK/US Higher Education Scholars Study Group on Mobility IHELG Homepage
Institute For Higher Education Law And Governance IHELG Research and Service Agenda Institute Monograph Series Campaign 2002 (20th Anniversary Programs) Society of American Law Teachers' (SALT) B.A. to J.D. Pipeline Program University of Houston Law Center and Arte Publico Press Sponsor Conference on Hernandez v. Texas at Fifty IHELG Houston Higher Education Finance Roundtable, 2018-May 23-25, 2018 Invitational Conference on Texas Lawyer Alonso Perales (1898-1960), January 12-13, 2012, University of Houston

The University of Houston, Arte Público Press, through the Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage Program, the Special Collections Department of the MD Anderson Library, and the UH Law Center announce that the papers of Alonso Perales have been acquired and are available for scholarly examination. Alonso Perales (1898-1960) was among the most important organizational figures and public intellectuals of his time, and was instrumental in early 20th century Mexican American political development in Texas. Perales graduated from George Washington University School of Law in 1926, making him one of the earliest Mexican American attorneys to practice law in Texas. He not only had a successful law practice, but helped found the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), served his country in several diplomatic capacities, and was a prolific writer.
SUMMER 2000 SYMPOSIUM ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY The Law and Higher Education: Cases and Materials on Colleges in Court EU/UK/US Higher Education Scholars Study Group on Mobility IHELG Homepage


Michael Olivas, The Tribally Controlled Community College Assistance Act: The Failure of Federal Indian Higher Education Policy(82-1); reprinted in American Indian Law Review, 9, No.2 (1982), 219-52; reprinted in Specialty Law Digest, 1984, 7-38.

Michael Olivas, Postsecondary Residency Requirements: Authorization and Regulation (82-2); reprinted in College Law Digest, 13 (1983), 157-176.

Douglas Windham, Validation Issues in Federal Financial Assistance Programs (83-1); reprinted in Review of Higher Education, 7, 4 (1984), 397-410.

Michael Olivas, Birth of a Coordinating Agency: Agenda Building and the Ohio Board of Regents (83-2); reprinted in Review of Higher Education, 7,4 (1984), 357-396.

Mark Ginsburg and Joann Giles, "Sponsored" and "Contest" Modes of Social Reproduction in Selective Community College Programs (83-3); reprinted in Research in Higher Education, 21, 3 (1984), 281 -299.

N ' Dri Assie, Social Inequality and Access to Schooling in the Third World: An African Case Study (83-4).

N ' Dri Assie, Social Stratification and Education Selection in Africa (83-5).

Darryl Greer, Legal Issues in Truth-in-Testing Legislation (83-6); reprinted in Review of Higher Education, 7,4 (1984), 321-356.

Katsuji Okachi, Returns on Japanese Schooling: Implications for Planning and Governance (83-7); reprinted in Journal of Educational Finance, 10,3 (1983).

James Brooks, Measuring the Reach of Title IX: Defining Program and Recipient in Higher Education (83-8); reprinted in Akron Law Review, 17, 3 (1984), 335-363.

N ' Dri Assie, Determinants of Education Success and of Attrition in Africa (83-9).

Bruce Kimball, Legal and Liberal Education and the Artes of Rhetoric and Dialectic (84-1); reprinted in Orators and Scholars, NY: Teachers College Press, (1986).

Gail Sorenson,Teaching Higher Education Law: A Review Essay (84-2); reprinted in Review of Higher Education, 7,4 (1984), 295-320.

Roberta Shaffer, Legal Resources for Higher Education Law: A Review Essay (84-3); reprinted in Review of Higher Education, 7, 4 (1984), 443-464; reprinted in Journal of College and University Law, 12, 1 (1985), 83-101.

Michael Olivas, Christina Ramirez, and Sandra Vera, Postsecondary Implications of Doe and Moreno: Adults and "Enduring Disability" (84-4); reprinted in Journal of Law and Education, 15, 1 (1986), 19-55.

Jose Cardenas and Albert Cortez, Fiscal and Program Implications: Doe v. Plvler in the Classroom (84-5); Journal of Law and Education, 15, 1 (1986), 1-18. [unavailable online]

Robert O’ Neil, Is Academic Freedom a Constitutional Right? (84-7), (Sanchez Lecture, 1984); reprinted in Journal of College and University Law, 11,3 (1984), 275-292.

 Manuel Garcia y Griego, State Obligations, State Interests and Undocumented Mexican Migration, (84-8); reprinted in Journal of Law and Education, 15, 1 (1986), 57-82.

James Brooks, Legal Issues and Postsecondary Students (84-9); reprinted in Review of Higher Education, 7, 4 (1984), 411-442.

Ronald Vera,Legal Access and Postsecondary Hispanic Students (84-10).

Sheila Slaughter, Advocacy and Academe: The Case of U.S. Social Science (84-11); reprinted in Journal of Higher Education, 59 (1988), 241-262.

Sheila Slaughter, New York State and the Politics of Postsecondary Spending (84-12); reprinted in Curriculum Inquiry (1985).

Sheila Slaughter, Legal Main Traveled Road or Fast Track: The Liberal and Technical in Higher Education Reform, (85-1); reprinted in The Politics of Educational Reform (NY: Prometheus Press, 1985).

Michael Olivas,Postsecondary Residency Requirements: Empowering Statutes and Governing Types, (85-2); reprinted in College Law Digest, 16 (1986), 268-299.

Michael Olivas, Postsecondary Residency Requirements: Exceptions, Exemptions, and Waivers, (85-3); reprinted in College Law Digest, 16 (1986), 268-299.

Edward T. Silva,Status Politics in Canadian Higher Education: The Symons Report as Symbolic Consolidation, (85-4); reprinted in McGill Journal of Education, 23, No. 2 (1988), 129-144.

Gail Paulus Sorenson, Judicial, Legislative & Administrative Activity Affecting Employment Discrimination in Education, (85-5); reprinted in Education Law Reporter, Vol. 25 No. 1, pp. 1 17.

Leonard Trachtman,Science and Technology: Who Governs? (85-6) in M. Goggin, ed., Science, Technology, and Their Governance: Issues of Autonomy and Accountability (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1986).

Harold P. Green, Federal Regulation of Biotechnology, (85-7) in M. Goggin, ed.

Helen Leskovac, State Governance through Conflict of Interest: the California Experience, (85-8) in M. Goggin, ed.

Sheldon Rrimsky, Local Control of Research Involving Chemical Warfare Agents, (85-9) in M. Goggin, ed.

Helen Longino, Science Overrun: Threats to Freedom from External Control, (85-10) in M. Goggin, ed.

William A. Blanpied and Rachelle D. Hollander, The Political Non-Politics of U.S. Science Policy, (85-11) in M. Goggin, ed.

Dennis Florig, The Scientist-Entrepreneur, (85-12) in M. Goggin, ed.

Leon Wofsy, Biotechnology and the University, (85-13) in M. Goggin, ed; reprinted in Journal of Higher Education, 57 (1986), 477-492.

Bruce Jennings, Representation and Participation in the Democratic Governance of Science and Technology, (85-14) in M. Goggin, ed.

Malcolm L. Goggin, Governing Science and Technology: Reconciling Science and Technology and Democracy, (85-15) in M. Goggin, ed.

Leonard A. Cole. Resolving Science Controversies: From Science Court to Science Hearing Panel, (85-16) in M. Goggin, ed.

Malcolm L. Goggin, Science and Technology: Who Should Govern?, (85-17) in M. Goggin, ed.

Derrick Bell, Jr., Economics and Discrimination (1985 Sanchez Lecture) (85-18).

Gail Paulus Sorenson, The Impact of the Copyright Law on College Teaching, (86-1); reprinted in Journal of College and University Law, 12, No. 4 (1986), 509-543.

Mark B. Ginsburg and Vipula Chaturvedi, Teachers and the Ideology of Professionalism in India and England: A Comparison of Cases in Colonial/Peripheral and Metropolitan/Central Societies, (86-2); reprinted in Comparative Education Review .

 M. Christina Ramirez, The Balance of Interests Between National Security Controls and First Amendment Interests in Academic Freedom (86-3); reprinted in Journal of College and University Law 13 (1986), 179-227.

V. Chaturvedi, The Higher Education System in India: A Residue of Colonialism (86-4).

H. Miller, G. Walford, A Case Study of Financial Constraints in British Universities (86-5).

V. Selvaratnam, The Higher Education System in Malaysia: Metropolitan. Cross-National, or National? (86-6); reprinted in Higher Education, Vol. 14, No. 5 (1985), 477-496.

T. Lumumba-Kasongo, The Nature and the Role of Higher Education in Africa and Its U.S. Influence: The Case of the University of Liberia (86-7).

Amaury Nora, Determinants of Retention Among Chicano College Students: A Structural Model (86-8); reprinted in Research in Higher Education, 26, 1 (1987), 31 -59.

Michael Olivas, Financial Aid and Self-Reports by Disadvantaged Students: The Importance of Being Earnest (86-9); reprinted in Research in Higher Education, 25, 3 (1986), 245-252.

Robert Silverman, How We Know What We Know: The Relation of Topic to Method in Higher Education Journals (86-10); reprinted in Review of Higher Education, 11 (1987), 39-59.

Margaret Lam, Restriction on Technology Transfer Among Academic Researchers (86-11); reprinted in Journal of College and University Law, 13 (1986); 311-334. Award winner, National Association of College and University Attorneys National Legal Writing Competition, 1986.

Richard Delgado and Helen Leskovac, Informed Consent in Human Experimentation: Bridging the Gap Between Ethical Thought and Current Practice (86-12); reprinted in UCLA Law Review. (1986 Sanchez Lecture).

Amaury Nora and Michael Olivas, Faculty Attitudes Toward Industrial Research on Campus (87-1); reprinted in Research in Higher Education, 29, 2 (1988), 125-147.

Amaury Nora, Campus Based Aid Programs as Determinants of Retention Among Hispanic Community College Students (87-2); reprinted in Journal of Higher Education, 61, 3 (1990), 312-331.

Michael Olivas, Administering Intentions: Law, Theory, and Practice of Postsecondary Residency Requirements (87-3); reprinted in Journal of Higher Education, 59 (1988), 263-290.

Louis C. Attinasi, Jr., "Getting In": Mexican/American Students' Perceptions of Their College-Going Behavior (87-4); reprinted in Journal of Higher Education, 60, 3 (May/June, 1989), 247-277.

Mark Ginsburg, Teacher Education and Class and Gender Relations: A Critical Socio-Historical Analysis (87-5).

Nancy B. Benjamin, John Moore and the Commercialization of Biotechnology: Boon and/or Bane For the University (87-6).

Catharine MacKinnon, Sexual Harassment in the Academy (87-7), 1987 Sanchez Lecture. [unavailable online]

Harry T. Edwards, Recent Supreme Court Decisions and Implications for Higher Education (87-8).

IHELG Annual Higher Education Law Conference, Papers and Materials, 1987 (87-9) [$10.00]. [unavailable online]

Masih Shokri & Mark Ginsburg, State-Profession Relations in a College of Architecture in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Different Ideologically Informed Perspectives of Students (87- 10) . [unavailable online]

Malcolm L. Goggin, Governing Biotechnology: Authority Structure and Sectoral Performance in Cross-national Perspective. (88-1).

 Adam Green, The Revised F-1 Student Regulations: Analysis and Implications for Practice (88-2); reprinted in Immigration Journal, 10 (1988).

Stephen T. Kerr, National Science Policy and Universities in the Soviet Union (88-3); reprinted in The Review of Higher Education, 11 (1988), 215-246.

G. Gregory Lozier and Michael J. Dooris, Is Higher Education Confronting Faculty Shortages? (88-4).

Richard Padilla, Postsecondary Resident Requirements: Student Profiles and Training Materials (88-5)

Leland Ware, Review Essay: Academics In Court. The Consequences of Faculty Discrimination Litigation (88-6); reprinted in Suffolk University Law Review, 22 (Winter, 1988), 1316-1337.

IHELG Annual Higher Education Law Conference, Papers and Materials, 1988 (88-7) [$10.00].

James H. Brooks, Confidentiality of Tenure Review and Discovery of Peer Review Materials (88-8); reprinted in BYU Law Review, Vol. 1988, No. 4, 705-752.

Margaret J. Lam, Patterns of Litigation at Institutions of Higher Education in Texas, 1878-1988 (88-9)

IHELG - Library Users Guide, (88-10)

Adam Green and Dyann Del Vecchio, F-1 Regulations: A Mixed Blessing For Foreign Students (89-1); reprinted in Immigration Journal, 11 (1988).

David Kay, Warren A. Brown and David J. Allee, University and Local Government Fiscal Relations (89-2)

Alberto J. Cabrera, Jacob 0. Stampen and W. Lee Hansen, Exploring the Effects of Ability-to-Pay on Persistence in College (89-3); reprinted in Review of Higher Education, 13, 3 (1990), 303-336.

Helen Leskovac,Research With Human Subjects: The Effects of Commercialization of University Sponsored Research (89-4).

Pedro Reyes, Toward an Organizational Taxonomy For Institutions of Higher Education (89-5).

 Richard Padilla, Postsecondary Residency Classifications: The Application of Complex Legislation to the Complex Circumstances of Students (89-6).

Jeffrey M. Bowen, Gordon S. Purrington, Donald H. Layton, and Rathleen O’ Brien, The McKinney Act of 1987: Educating Homeless Children and Youth (89-7).

Susan Wheeler, Robert Sheridan, Beatrice Mladenka-Fowler, Scott Chafin, Nancy Footer, Richard Padilla and Michael A. Olivas, 1989 Annual Higher Education Law Conference Materials (89-8) [$10.00].

James F. Fryman, Interstate Migration of Students to Professional Schools (89-9).

Irvin (Bobby) Wright,For The Children of the Infidels?: American Indian Education in the Colonial Colleges (89-10); reprinted in American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 12 (1988), 1-14; reprinted in ASHE Reader on The History of Higher Education (Boston: Ginn Press, 1989).

James F. Fryman, Student Migration to Traditionally Black Institutions of Higher Education (89-11).

Mark Bookman,Unfair Competition, UBIT (Unrelated Business Income Tax) and Local Government Taxation (89-12).

Kimberley Brown, Phillip Fishman and Nancy Jones, Legal and Policy Issues in the Language Proficiency Assessment of International Teaching Assistants (90-1).

Roger Pollack, John Weiser and John Wilhelm, Comparable Worth at Yale University: Anatomy of a Union Pay Equity Study (90-2).

Michael L. Skolnik and Glen A. Jones A Comparative Analysis of Arrangements for State Coordination of Higher Education in Canada and the United States (90-3); reprinted in Journal of Higher Education, 63, No. 2 (March/April, 1992), 121-142.

Nestor P. Rodriguez and Ximena Urrutia-Rojas, Undocumented and Unaccompanied: A Mental-Health Study of Unaccompanied, Immigrant Children From Central America (90-4).

Amaury Nora and Alberto F. Cabrera, Determinants of Persistence: The Inclusion and Testing of Ability To Pay Factors In Tinto's Model of Student Attrition (90-5).

William A. Kaplin, A Proposed Process for Managing the First Amendment Aspects of Hate Speech on Campus (90-6); reprinted in Journal of Higher Education, 63, No. 5 (Sept./Oct. 1992).

Sylvia Hurtado, The Campus Racial Climate: Contexts of Conflict (90-7); reprinted in Journal of Higher Education, 63, No. 5 (Sept./Oct. 1992).

Michael A. Olivas, The Political Economy of Immigration, Intellectual Property, and Racial Harassment: Case Studies of the Implementation of Legal Change on Campus (90-8); reprinted in Journal of Higher Education, 63, No. 5 (Sept./Oct. 1992).

Alice Chandler, Immigration and Intellect: Foreign Student Policy in the Post-industrial Era (90-9) (1990-91 Sanchez Lecture).

Nestor Rodriguez, Undocumented Immigrant Students and Higher Education: A Houston Study (90-10).

Alberto Garcia, A Research Bibliography on Higher Education and Immigration (90-11).

Michael A. Olivas, Federal Law and Scholarship Policy: An Essay on the Office for Civil Rights. Title Vl, and Racial Restrictions (90-12); reprinted in Journal of College and University Law, 18 (1991), 21-28.

William O'Connell,Foreign Students in the United States: The Orphans of International Education (91-1).

David Williams, II, Foreign Students and Scholars and The United States Tax System (91-2).

Pat K. Chew, University Ownership of Faculty-Generated Inventions is Questionable (91-3); reprinted in Wisconsin Law Review (1992).

Richard Padilla, Immigration Status and Residency Determination for Tuition Purposes (91-4).

Adam Green and Dyann DelVecchio, Foreign Students at the Crossroads: IMMACT and the New Face of the F-1 Student Regulations (91-5).

Michael A. Olivas, Legal Norms in Law School Admissions: An Essay on Parallel Universes (91-6); reprinted in Journal of Legal Education, (1992).

Peter Roos, Postsecondary Plyler (91-7).

Lisa Jacobson Treacy, The Immigration Act of 1990 and Nonimmigrant Faculty (91-8).

Robert E. Hopper,College Hiring After the Immigration Act of 1990: Immigrant Employment Categories and Procedures (91-9).

William A. Kaplin,The Importance of Process in Campus Administrative Decision Making (91-10).

Paul M. Horvitz, Prepaid Tuition Plans: An Exercise In Finance Psychology and Politics (92-1).

Jeffrey S. Lehman, The How and the Who: Does Changing How One Can Buy A Prepaid Tuition Contract Change Who Participates? (92-2).

David Williams, ll, Taxation of Pre-paid Tuition Plans and Other Forms of College Expense Help (92-3).

Lewis J. Spellman, Real Return Investments as a Tuition Hedge: Available Issues (92-4).

Robert D. Mettlen, Prepaid Tuition Plans; Markets and Institutions With Special Reference To Texas (92-5).

Michael A. Olivas, Financing Higher Education in Postmodern Times (92-6).

Sandra Harding, After Eurocentrism: Challenges for the Philosophy of Science (92-7). [unavailable online]

Yvonna S. Lincoln, Virtual Community and Invisible Colleges: Alterations in Faculty Scholarly Networks and Professional Self-lmage (92-8).

James S. Fairweather, Academic Values and Faculty Rewards (92-9).

Michael A. Olivas, Annotated Bibliography of Higher Education Law, 1988-1993 (Supplement, The Law and Higher Education (92-10).

William L. Kibler, Academic Dishonesty: A Student Development Dilemma (92-11).

Aldon Morris, Walter Allen, David Maurrasse and Derrick Gilbert, White Supremacy and Higher Education; The Alabama Higher Education Desegregation Case (92-12).

Michael A. Olivas, Professorial Academic Freedom: An Essay of Second Thoughts on the Third " Essential Freedom " (93-1).

N' Dri T. Assie-Lumumba and Tukumbi Lumumba-Kasongo, Dependency and Organization of Higher Education in Africa: The Case of the Universite Nationale de Cote d'lvoire (93-2).

Eric L. Dey and Sylvia Hurtado, Free Speech on College Campuses: Individual and Institutional Correlates of Faculty Support (93-3). [unavailable online]

Dr. Paula L. W. Sabloff, Will State Legislatures Increase Restriction on Public University Autonomy (93-4).

Martha Chamallas, Jean Jew's Case: Resisting Sexual Harassment in the Academy (93-5).

Estela Mara Bensimon, A Rebellious Reading of TQM (93-6).

Michael A. Olivas, Storytelling Out of School: Undocumented College Residency, Race & Reaction (93-7).

Adalberto Aguirre, Jr., Racism in Higher Education: A Perilous Climate for Minorities (93-8).

Michael A. Olivas, Uncapping Mandatory Retirement For Faculty: A Concurring and Dissenting Opinion (93-9).

Sheila Slaughter and Gary Rhoades, The Emergence of a Competitiveness Research and Development Policy Coalition and the Commercialization of Academic Science and Technology (93-10).

Susan B. Twombly, Contesting the Social Role of Higher Education in Costa Rica: Estudios Generales, the Battleground (93-11).

J. Fredericks Volkwein, Alberto F. Cabrera, Bruce P. Szelest and Michelle R. Napierski, Factors Associated with Student Loan Default among Different Racial and Ethnic Groups (93-12).

Michael A. Olivas, The Texas Tomorrow Plan: Testimony on C.S.H.B. 1214 (94-1).

Manuel N. Gomez, The Discontent of our Character (94-2).

Ernst Benjamin, Some Implications Of the Faculty's Obligation To Encourage Student Academic Freedom For Faculty Advocacy in the Classroom (94-3).

Susan Rolker Finkel and Steven G. Olswang, Child Rearing, Sexism, and Sexual Harassment As Barriers To Tenure For Female Assistant Professors (94-4).

Michael A. Olivas, Fear and Loathing in the Classroom: Faculty and Student Rights in Comparative Context (94-5).

John H. Milam, Jr., The Myth of Affirmative Action Data (94-6).

Alberto F. Cabrera and Amaury Nora, The Role of Perceptions of Prejudice and Discrimination on the Adjustment of Minority Students to College (94-7).

Linda Serra Hagedorn, Wage Equity and Female Faculty Job-Satisfaction: The Role of Wage Differentials in a Job Satisfaction Causal Model (94-8).

Margaret Wright Sidle, Enrollment Management: Do Resource Allocation Decisions Really Make a Difference (94-9).

John Milam, Looking Back, 25 Years After Kent State: Did Higher Education Kill the Sixties? A Radical Structuralist Perspective (94-10).

Michael Mumper, State Responses to Increases in Public College Prices: An Analysis of Developments Since 1990 (94-11).

Michael G. Finn, Leigh Ann Pennington, and Katheryn Hart Anderson, "Who Stays Who Leaves: Foreign Ph.D's Eight Years After Graduation" (94-12).

Monique Weston Clague, The Missed Link: Faculty Remnants of Jim Crow and Minority Fellowship Support Programs (95-1)

Patricia M. McDonough and Anthony Lising Antonio, Racial and Ethnic Differences in Selectivity of College Choice (95-2).

Michael A. Olivas,Constitutional Criteria: The Social Science and Common Law of College Admissions Decisions (97-1).

Laura Walter Perna, The Contribution of Financial Aid to the Price of Four-Year Institutions Attended by 1989-90 Freshmen (97-2).

Edward R. Hines and Russell Higham, III, Faculty Workload and State Policy (97-3).

Catherine M. Millet and Susan MacKenzie, An Exploratory Study of College Purchase Options: How Financial Aid Widens Minorities’ Choices (97-4).

Valerie Hawkes Collins,The Faculty Role in Governance: A Historical Analysis of the Influence of the American Association of University Professors And the Middle States Association on Academic Decision Making (97-5).

James S. Clarke and Chad D. Ellet, Faculty Receptivity/Resistance to Change, Personal and Organizational Efficacy, Decision Deprivation and Effectiveness in Research I Universities (97-6).

Rita Karwacki Bode, Collegiality Encountered by New Faculty (97-7).

Michael A. Olivas, The Challenges of Paying for a Graduate or First-Professional Degree: Trends in Student Borrowing and the Ability to Repay Debt (97-8).

Kirk Monteverde, Managing Student Loan Default Risk: Evidence From a Privately-Guaranteed Portfolio (97-9)

Philo A. Hutcheson, and Donna Mathis,National Higher Education Policy Commissions in the Post-World War II Era: Issues of Representation (97-10).

Dan Underwood, Ken Kempner and Jim Arnold, Efficiency in Public Higher Education: Administrative Reform and Redundancy (97-11).

Catherine H. Augustine, Impacts of Student Assessment on Teaching & Learning: Differences Between Perceptions of State Higher Education Executive Officers and Campus Representatives (97-12).

J. Russell Highman, III, Explaining Trends in Interstate Higher Education Finance: 1977 to 1996 (98-1).

Donald E. Heller, A Comparison of the Tuition Price and Financial Aid Responsiveness of First-Time Enrollees and Continuing College Students (98-2).

James Soto Antony, A Comparative Analysis of Tenure and Faculty Productivity: Moving Beyond Traditional Approaches (98-3).

Gordon B. Arnold and Ted I. K. Youn, Evolving Public Discourse of Tenure and Academic Freedom, 1950’s-1990’s: A Frame Analysis (98-4).

Benjamin Baez, Faculty of Color and Antidiscrimination Laws (98-5).

Michael A. Olivas, Altheimer Symposium Lecture, Higher Education Admissions and the Search for One Important Thing: What I Would if I Were President for The Day (98-6).

Sharon B. Whigham, Performance-Funding Indicators for Two-Year Postsecondary Institutions: Developing an Input Model for Equitable Funding (98-7).

R. Sam Larson,Organizational Change From the "Inside": A Study of Department and Faculty Sensemaking (98-8).

Ronald G. Ehrenberg, Michael W. Matier and David Fontanella, Cornell University Confronts The End of Mandatory Retirement (98-9).

F. King Alexander and Klinton W. Alexander, The Reassertion of Church Doctrine in American Higher Education: The Legal and Fiscal Implications of the Ex Corde Ecclesiae for Catholic Colleges and Universities in the United States (98-10).

Laura M. Stapleton and Robert W. Lissitz, Evaluating Faculty Salary Equity Using Hierarchical Linear Modeling (98-11).

Michael A. Olivas, Immigration Law Teaching and Scholarship In the Ivory Tower: A Reponse to "Race Matters" (98-12).

F. King Alexander, Student Tuition and the Higher Education Marketplace: Policy Implications for Public Universities (99-1).

Outlines from Intellectual Property on Campus: Computers, Copyright, and Cyberspace (99-2).

Georgia K. Harper, Institutional Interests in IP Policies on Campus (99-3).

Roberta Kwall, U.S. and International Moral Rights of Artists and Authors (99-4).

Nicolas Kanellos, Chavez v. Arte Publico Press: Reflections on Artists and Copyright on Campus (99-5).

Robert M. O’Neil, Campus Database Issues (99-6).

Mario Biagioli, Issues of Attribution (99-7).

Kenneth Crews, “The Dilemma of Distance Education and Copyright Law:  The Limits and Meaning of Copyright Policy” (99-8).

William Zumeta, “How Did They Do It?  The Surprising Enrollment Success of Private, Non-profit Higher Education from 1980-1995” (99-9).

Larry L. Leslie, Ronald L. Oaxaca, and Gary Rhoades, “Effects of Changing Revenue Patterns On Public Research Universities” (99-10).

Benjamin Baez, “Academic Freedom and Federal Courts in the 1990s:  The Legitimation of the Conservative Entrepreneurial State” (99-11).

Karen A. McClafferty, “Academic Freedom and Academic Constraint:  A Comparative Case Study of Faculty Perceptions” (99-12).

James Soto and James R. Valadez, “Exploring the Satisfaction of Part-time College Faculty in the United States” (00-01).

Andrew P. Roth, “State-Sponsored, Tax-Advantaged College Savings Plans:  A Study of Their Impact on Contemporary Understanding Of the Public-versus-Private Responsibility to Pay for Higher Education Issue” (00-02).

Elena M. Bernal, Alberto F. Cabrera and Patrick T. Terenzini, “Class-Based Affirmative Action Admissions Policies:  A viable Alternative to race-based Programs?”  (00-03)

Shouping Hu and Edward P. St. John, “Does Money Matter Across the Four Critical Years?  The Effects of Financial Aid on Student Persistence in A Public Higher Education System” (00-04).

Michael J. Sherman, “On the Boundaries of Academic Freedom“(00-05).

Benjamin Baez, “Secrets in ‘Pandora’s Box’:  The Paradox of Confidentiality in the Tenure Process” (00-06).

Karen A. McClafferty, “The Freedom and Limits of Tenure:  An Ideal Typology Of Educational Researchers” (00-07).

Jennifer Ma, Mark J. Warshawsky, John Ameriks and Julia A. Bloom, “An Economic Approach To Setting the Contribution Limits in Qualified State-sponsored Tuition Savings Plans” (00-09).

Julia Lynn Coronado, “The Impact of Qualified Tuition Savings Programs on Household Saving” (00-10).

Nicole B. Casarez, “Public Forums, Selective Subsidies, and Shifting Standards of Viewpoint Discrimination” (00-12).

James Soto Antony, “Reexamining Doctoral Student Socialization and Professional Development:  Moving Beyond the Congruence and Assimilation Orientation”(01-01).

Laura Walter Perna, “Undergraduate Borrowing at the Federal Limit Before and After The 1992 Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act” (01-02).

Peter J. Harrington, “Faculty Conflicts of Interest In an Age of Academic Enterprenurialism:  An Analysis of the Problem, the Law And Selected University Policies” (01-03).

Michael A. Olivas, “Supplement to The Law and Higher Education:  Cases and Materials on Colleges in Court” (01-04).

Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, Deconstructing Color Blind Racism:  An Analysis of the Dominant Frames of Post Civil Rights Racial Ideology (01-05).

Alicia C. Dowd,  Setting Equity Goals for Community College Financing (01-06).

Alicia C. Dowd, Financing Community College Students: Public Policy Options to Promote Persistence and Attainment (01-07).

Alicia C. Dowd, Beyond Traditional and Nontraditional: Categorizing College Students Through Cluster Analysis (01-08).

Gerald Torres, Percent Plans, Prediction and High Stakes Testing (01-09).

William G. Tierney, Interpreting Academic Identities: Reality and Fiction on Campus (01-10).

Dan Oren, M.D., A Club Joined: Jews and Yale from 1980 Through the Present (01-11).

Mario C. Martinez, Understanding State Higher Education Systems: Applying a New Framework (01-12).

Donald E. Heller, Do Merit Scholarships Promote College Access?  Evidence From Two States (02-01).

Joshua B. Powers, High Risk Venturing: An Empirical Investigation of University Technology Licensing to Start-Ups and Young Private Firms (02-02).

Joshua B. Powers, Commercializing Academic Research: Resource Effects on Performance of University Technology (02-03).

Dongkin Kim, Does Borrowing Money Influence Students’ Degree Attainment in Four-year Colleges and Universities? (02-04).

Donald E. Heller, High-Stakes Testing and State Financial Aid: Evidence From Michigan (02-05).

Houston D. Davis,  A Political Model of Higher Education Governance and Policy Reform Adoption (02-06).

William G. Tierney, Academic Freedom and Tenure: Between Fiction and Reality  (02-07).

Robert D. Manning, Credit and Debt in the Age of influence: Can U.S. Bankruptcy Reform Avoid the Recessionary Abyss? (02-08).

Philo Hutcheson, Exploring the Roots of Federal Language on Discrimination: The 1947 President's Commission on higher Education (02-09).

Jeffrey A. Groen and Michelle J. White, In-State versus Out-of-State Students: the Divergence of Interest between Public Universities and State Governments (02-10).

Sheila Slaughter and Cynthia Joan Archerd, Boundaries and Quandaries:  Professors Negotiate Market Relations (02-11).

Michael K. McLendon, Donald E. Heller, Steven P. Young, State Postsecondary Policy Innnovation: Politics, Competition, and the Interstate Migration of Policy Ideas (02-12).

Melinda Wood, Linda Johnsrud, Post-Tenure Review: What Matters to Faculty (03-01).

Michael A.  Olivas, Governing Badly:  Theory and Practice of Bad Ideas in College Decisionmaking (03-02).

David W. Leslie and Michael L. Stump,The New Depression in Higher Education  Revisited (03-03).

Victor C. Romero, Noncitizen Students and Immigration Policy Post – 9/11 (03-04).

Deborah J. Anderson, John J. Cheslock, and Ronald Ehrenberg, Gender Equity in Intercollegiate Athletics:  Determinants of the Title IX Compliance (03-05).

Larry D. Singell, Jr., and Joe A. Stone, The Good, the Poor, or the Wealthy:  Who Responds Most to College Financial Aid?  (03-06).

Larry D. Singell, Jr., Coming Through:  Do Exogenous Changes in the Generosity of Financial Aid Affect Retention at a Large Public University (03-07).

Larry D. Singell, Jr.,  Come and Stay a While:  Does Financial Aid Effect Enrollment and Retention at a Large Public University (03-08).

Larry D. Singell, Jr. and Joe A. Stone,For Whom the Pell Tolls:  A Test of the Bennett Hypothesis (03-09).

Michael A. Olivas, The Rise of Non-Legal Influences Upon Higher Education (03-10).

Gregory M. Heiser, Because the Stakes are So Small:  Collegiality, Polemic, and Professionalism in Academic Employment Decisions (03-11).

Gregory M. Heiser,  Liability for Good-Character Statements After Gonzaga University v. Doe: One Theory Down, But How Many Remain? (03-12).

Michael A. Olivas,IIRIRA, The DREAM Act, and Undocumented College Student Residency (04-01).

David W. Leslie and Valerie Martin Conley, Early and Phased Retirement Plans Among Tenured Faculty:  A First Look* (04-02).

Jan Currie, The Preservation of Academic Freedom in Hong Kong Universities after 1997 (04-03).

M.L. Feldmann, The (Indirect) Costs of  Conducting Research (04-04).

Donald E. Heller  and Kimberly R. Rogers, Merit Scholarships and Incentives For Academic Performance (04-05).

Kimberly R.Rogers, Moving On:  State Policies to Address Academic Brain Drain In the South (04-06).

Robert C. Serow, The Evolution of an Educational Policy:  Sixty Years of the GI Bill (04-07).

Kevin Kinser,  A Profile of Regionally-Accredited For-Profit Institutions of Higher Education (04-08).

William R. Doyle, Jennifer A. Delaney and Blake Alan Naughton, Public Institutional Aid and State Policy:  Compensation or Compliance? (04-09).

See Woo Lee, Recent Topics in Higher Education Law in the Republic of Korea: The Studies on the Universities Autonomy, on the Structures of the University Council and on the Structure of the Academic Affairs Committee under the Higher Education Act of Korea (South) (04-10).

Amy E. Wells, Ph.D., and Mandy Martin Lohfink, Exploring State Nativism, Elitism, and “Brain Drain”:  Considering the Historical Origins and Problematic Politics of Merit-Based State Scholarship Programs in the American South (04-11).

Pilar Mendoza and Joseph B. Berger, Patenting Productivity and Intellectual Property Policies at Research I Universities:  An Exploratory Comparative Study (04-12).

Crystal Gafford Muhammad, Data Matters: Making a Compelling Case Diversity in Education (05-01).

Katie Baird, Do Prepaid Tuition Plans Affect State Support for Higher Education? (05-02).

Katie Baird, The Political Economy of College Prepaid Tuition Plans (05-03).

Kristine S. Lewis, “It Was an Attack on Me Being Black:” African American College Students (Re-) Defining the Margin (05-04).

Dorothy E. Finnegan, Raising and Leveling the Bar: Standards, Access, and the YMCA in the Field of Evening Law Schools, 1890-1940 (05-05).

Michael W. Klein, “The Equitable Rule”: Copyright Ownership of Distance-Education Courses (05-06).

Michael W. Klein, “Sovereignty of Reason”: An Approach to Sovereign Immunity And Copyright Ownership of Distance-Education Courses At Public Colleges and Universities (05-07).

Jennifer Lee Hoffman and Ahna Kotila, State Granted Tuition Waivers For Gender Equity in Athletics: Fair or Foul? (05-08).

Michael A. Olivas, The Story of Plyler v. Doe, The Education of Undocumented Children and the Polity (05-09).

Michael A. Olivas, Brown and the Desegregative Ideal: Location, Race, and College Attendance Policies (05-10).

Michael A. Olivas, Law School Admissions After Grutter: An Essay on Student Bodies, Pipeline Theory, and the River (05-11).

Mercer Bullard, The Policy and Regulation of 529 Plan Fee Disclosure (05-12).

Crystal  Gafford Muhammad, An Oasis within a Desert Palace: Proving Sex Discrimination in the New Millennium (06-01).

Spiros Protopsaltis, Political and Policy Dynamics of Higher Education Governance and Finance Reform:  The Shaping of the First College Voucher System (06-02).


William R. Doyle, Michael K. McKlendon, and James C. Hearn, The Adoption of Prepaid Tuition and Savings Plans in the American States:  An Event History Analysis (06-04).

Pilar Mendoza,Academic Capitalism and Academic Culture:  A Case Study (06-05).

Michael A. Olivas, “What the War on Terrorism Has Meant for United States Colleges and Universities”  (06-06).

Ralph D. Kidder, The Development of a Research Mission in Urban State Universities in Post-World War II America:  The Case of Fenn College (06-07).

Philip Martin, Universities as Immigration Gatekeepers (06-08).

Michael A. Olivas, Lawmakers Gone Wild? A Response to Professor Kobach (06-09).

Bradley R. Curs, What Can Merit-Aid Buy?  The Effects of Financial Aid Packages On The Enrollment Decisions of Applicants To A Large Public University  (06-10).

William A. Kaplin, Equity, Accountability, and Governance: Three Pressing Mutual Concerns of Higher Education and Elementary/Secondary Education* (06-11).

Michael W. Klein, Esq., Are Intellectual Property Policies Subject to Collective Bargaining? A Case Study of New Jersey and Kansas (06-12).

Alberto F. Cabrera, Wietse de Vries and Shaquana Anderson, Job Satisfaction Among Mexican Alumni: A Case of Incongruence Between Hunch-based Policies and Labor Market Demands (07-01).

Nathan G. Cortez, The Local Dilemma:  Preemption and the Role of Federal Standards in State and Local Immigration Laws (07-02).

Mercer Bullard and Edward S. O’Neal, The Costs of Using A Broker To Select Mutual Funds (07-03).

Christopher Collins and Robert A. Rhoads, The World Bank and Higher Education  in The Developing World: The Cases of Uganda and Thailand (07-04).

Erin Lynn Heath Sperling, Perspectives and Practices Related To Higher Education Policy-Making: A Case Study Analysis Of One Legislative Session In Minnesota (07-05).

Jesse P. Mendez and Pilar Mendoza, Governmental Financial Aid Packages and Minority Student Retention: The Effects of Oklahoma’s Promise, Pell Grants, and Stafford Loans (07-06).

Pilar Mendoza, The Centrality Of  Context in The Marketization of  Higher Education Discourse: Faculty Work in the Pasteur’s Quadrant (07-07).

Jorge Enrique Delgado, Science & Technology And Scientific Publication In Latin American Higher Education (07-08).

Lijing Yang, Edward P. St. John, Jiyum Kim and Huiyong Zheng,Financial Aid Policy and Higher Education Access:  A Statistical Analysis of International Indicators (07-09).

Michael A. Olivas, “Majors” in Law” A Dissenting View, (07-10).

Erik C. Ness and Molly A. Mistretta, Policy Adoption in North Carolina and Tennessee: A Comparative Case Study of Lottery-Funded Education Programs (07-11).

Nicole B. Cásarez , The Student Press, the Public Workplace, and Expanding Notions of Government Speech  (07-12).

Alicia C. Dowd, A Cautionary Analysis of Restrictive “Promise” Tuition Guarantees: The Case of the Kalamazoo Promise (08-01).

Michael A. Olivas, A Technical Note on Undocumented College Students and Financial Aid (08-02).

Stephen L. DesJardins, Rodney Andrews and Vimal Ranchhod, The Effects of the Kalamazoo Promise On College Choice (08-03).

Stella M. Flores, In-State Resident Tuition Policies on the College Enrollment of Undocumented Latino Students in the United States (08-04).

Stella M. Flores and Catherine L. Horn, College Persistence Among Undocumented Students At A Selective Public University: A Quantitative Case Study Analysis (08-05).

Christopher C. Morphew, Understanding the Role of Exogenous Factors in State Higher Education Governance and Coordination (08-06).

Kristen Miller and Celina Moreno, Martinez v. Regents: Mis-Step or Wave of the Future (08-07).

Johnny Buckles, Do Law Schools Forfeit Federal Income Tax Exemption When They Deny Military Recruiters Full Access to Career Services Programs: The Hypothetical Case of Yale University v. Commissioner (08-08).

Elizabeth McCormick, The Oklahoma Taxpayer and Citizenship Protection Act: Blowing Off Steam or Setting Wild-Fires? (08-09).

Robert D. Manning, Higher Education and the Credit Crunch (08-10) (Sanchez Lecture) [unavailable online]

Linnea A. Polgren, An Analysis of Public Funding For Higher Education: The Role of Out-Migration and Demographic Factors (08-11).

Carol L. Zeiner, Section 529 Prepaid College Tuition Scholarships: Help in Uncertain Economic Times (08-12).

Felicia Anamaria Ionescu, Risky College Investment under Alternative Bankruptcy Regimes for Student Loans (09-01).

Dorothy E. Finnegan and Nathan F. Alleman, Freshman Daze: The Origins of Orientation Programs (09-02).

Dorothy E. Finnegan and Nathan F. Alleman, Absorbing Slack:  An Historical Analysis of Central and Peripheral Campus YMCAs (09-03).

Jason E. Lane, Kevin Kinser, Dan Knox, Interstate Regulation of Public Cross‐Border Higher Education Entities (09-04)

Marvin A. Titus, Sean Simone, Anubha Gupta, Investigating State Appropriations and Net Tuition Revenue for Public Higher Education: A Vector Error-Correction Modeling Approach (09-05)

J. Douglas Toma, Positioning for Prestige in Higher Education: Case Studies of Aspirations and Strategies at Four Public Institutions Toward “Getting to the Next Level” (09-06)

J. Douglas Toma and Beth-Anne Leech, Institutional Aspirations Amidst Financial Distress: Public Institutions in Georgia as a Case Study (09-07)

Michael A. Olivas, The Political Economy of the DREAM Act and the Legislative Process: A Case Study of Comprehensive Immigration Reform (09-08)

Stella M. Flores, The First State Dream Act: In-State Resident Tuition and Immigration in Texas (09-09)

David Tandberg and Erik Ness, State Capital Expenditures for Higher Education: Politics and the Economy (09-10)

Kevin J. Dougherty, H. Kenny Nienhusser, and Blanca E. Vega, Undocumented Immigrants and State Higher Education Policy: The Contrasting Politics of In-State Tuition Eligibility in Texas and Arizona (09-11)

David J. Weerts, Funding the flagships: Governance, politics and identity in state support for public research universities (09-12)

Luciana Dar, Partisanship, Political Polarization, and State Budget Outcomes: The Case of Higher Education (10-01).

David J. Weerts, Power, Identity, and Inequities in State Support for Higher Education in Massachusetts (10-02).

Victor C. Romero,  Immigrant Education and the Promise of Integrative Egalitarianism (10-3).

Lisa M. Dickson and Matea Pender, Do In-State Tuition Benefits Affect the Enrollment of Non-Citizens? Evidence from Universities in Texas (10-4)

Michael A. Olivas, Developments in 529 Prepaid Tuition Plans (PTP) and College Savings Plans (CSP) since 2003 Presentation: September, 2010, Center for Social Security Studies (CSSS) of Wuhan University, Wuhan, PRC (10-5)

Richard K. Neumann, Jr. ABA Accreditation Standards Require Law Schools to Provide Tenure to Their Faculties (10-06).

Ryan Evely Gildersleeve and Susana Hernandez,  Undocumented Immigrant Students in American Higher Education Policy and Discourse (10-07).

Alaine K. Arnott,  The “Other White Meat”:  An In-depth Analysis of the Other Fees (10-08).

Corbin M. Campbell and Alberto F. Cabrera,  How sound is NSSE? Investigating the Psychometric Properties of NSSE at a Public, Research Extensive Institution (10-09).

Karen Miksch and Mark Pedelty,  Affirmative Action and the Media: A Mixed Methods Analysis of News Coverage of U.S. Supreme Court Cases (10-10).

Michael A. Olivas, Academic Freedom and Academic Duty, 2011 AALS Presidential Lecture (10-11).

Michael A. Olivas, Governing Badly:  Theory and Practice of Bad Ideas in College Decisionmaking [Jerome Hall Lecture, 2011] (10-12).

Kerry Brian Melear, The Devil's Undue:  Student Loan Discharge in Bankruptcy, the Undue Hardship Standard, and the Supreme Court's Decision in United Student Aid Funds v. Espinosa (11-01).

René Galindo, Undocumented & Unafraid:  The DREAM Act 5 and the Public Disclosure of Undocumented Status as a Political Act (11-02).

Brad Weiner, The 2010 NCAA Division I Conference Realignment:  Analyzing the Maximizing-Satisficing  Paradox Using Institutional Data (11-03).

Laurel Terry,  International Initiatives That Facilitate Global Mobility in Higher Education (11-04).

Annette Schrauwen, Access to and Portability of Student Grants and Loans: Where Targets Meet Free Movement Law (11-05).


Amanda Harmon Cooley, The Need for Legal Reform of the For-Profit Educational Industry (11-07).

Steven Harmon Wilson, The Will to Change: The Legal Battle Over the Rice University Endowment (11-08).

Francine J.  Lipman, The “ Illegal” Tax (11-09).

Angeles Garcia, A More Realistic Solution to the Unintended Consequences of Private Student Loan Discharge Protection (11-10).


Kathleen Elliott Vinson, Hovering Too Close: The Ramifications of Helicopter Parenting in Higher Education (11-12).

Michael A. Olivas, Dreams Deferred: Deferred Action, Prosecutorial Discretion, and the Vexing Case(s) of DREAM Act Students (12-01).

Jim Hawkins, The Card Act on Campus, (12-02).

Michael A. Olivas, POSTSCRIPT to William and Mary Bill of Rights Law Journal Article (September 15, 2012) (12-03).

Paulina Pérez-Mejías, Alberto F. Cabrera and Robert G. Croninger, Crushing College Hopes:  How High-Stakes Testing Produced Inequities in College Access in Chile (12-04).

Michael Olivas, Ask Not For Whom the Law School Bell Tolls: Professor Tamanaha, Failing Law Schools, and (Mis)Diagnosing the Problem (12-05).

Stella M. Flores and Toby J. Park, The Impact of Enrolling in a Minority Serving Institution in Texas for Black and Hispanic Students (12-06).

D. Benjamin Barros, Reconsidering the Conventional Wisdom on the Legal Job Market (12-07).

Kevin R. Johnson, Bias in the Legal System? An Essay on the Eligibility of Undocumented Immigrants to Practice Law (12-08).

Lauren Gilbert, Obama's Ruby Slippers: Enforcement Discretion in the Absence of Immigration Reform (12-09).


Elizabeth Keyes, Defining  American: THE DREAM Act, Immigration Reform And Citizenship (12-11).


Jacob H. Rooksby, University™ : Trademark Rights Accretion in Higher Education (13-01).

Juan F. Perea,  Doctrines of Delusion: Bakke, Fisher and the Case for a New Affirmative Action (13-02).

Amanda M. Foster, Reasonable Accommodations on the Bar Exam: Leveling the Playing Field or Providing an Unfair Advantage? (13-03)



Philip Lee, A Contract Theory of Academic Freedom (13-06).

Vinay Harpalani, Narrowly Tailored But Broadly Compelling: Defending Race-Conscious Admissions after Fisher (13-07).


Kathryn Abrams, Performative Citizenship in the Civil Rights and Immigrant Rights Movements (13-09).

Scott R. Bauries, Individual Academic Freedom: An Ordinary Concern of the First Amendment (13-10).

Michael A. Olivas, Drafting Justice: Statutory Language, Public Policy, and Legislative Reform [Remarks Upon Receiving the AERA Social Justice in Education Award, 2014] (13-11).

William C. Kidder and Richard O. Lempert, The Mismatch Myth in American Higher Education: A Synthesis of Empirical Evidence at the Law School and Undergraduate (13-12).

Marisa S. Cianciarulo, Unauthorized Americans And European Outcasts (14-01).

William F. Devine, Revenue Sport Fever (14-02).

Maureen A. Weston, Gamechanger: NCAA Student-Athlete Name & Likeness Licensing Litigation and the Future of College Sports (14-03).

Laura F. Rothstein, Forty Years of Disability Policy in Legal Education and the Legal Profession: What Has Changed and What Are the New Issues? (14-04).

Carla D. Pratt, The End of Indeterminacy in Affirmative Action (14-05).

Josephine R. Potuto, The NCAA Student-Athlete Reinstatement Process: Say What? (14-06).

Twinette L. Johnson, Going Back to the Drawing Board: Re-Entrenching the Higher Education Act to Restore Its Historical Policy of Access (14-07).

Tomiko Brown-Nagin, Rethinking Proxies for Disadvantage in Higher Education: A First Generation Students’ Project (14-08).

Corey Rayburn Yung, Concealing Campus Sexual Assault: An Empirical Examination of Clery Act Data (14-09).

Doug Rendleman and Scott Weingart, Collection of Student Loans: A Critical Examination (14-10).

Mary Ziegler, No Such Thing as Race: Exploring the Past and Future of Affirmative Action after Schuette (14-11).

Neil G. Ruiz, The Philippine Emigration State: Facilitating Labor Export as Economic Development Policy (14-12).

Jacob H. Rooksby, Defining Domain: Higher Education’s Battles for Cyberspace (15-01).

Vinay Harpalani, The Double-Consciousness of Race-Consciousness and the Bermuda Triangle of University Admissions (15-02).

Philip Lee, The Case of Dixon v. Alabama State Board of Education: From Civil Rights to Students’ Rights and Back Again (15-03).

John Goodwin, Legally Present, But Not Yet Legal: The State Attorney General's Role in Securing Public Benefits for Childhood Arrivals (15-04).

Aaron M. Anthony, Lindsay C. Page and Abigail Seldin, In the Right Ballpark? Assessing the Accuracy of Net Price Calculators  (15-05).

Marco Bisogno, Francesca Citro and Aurelio Tommasetti,  Disclosure of University Websites. Evidence From Italian Data (15-06).

Ming Hsu Chen, Understanding the Legitimacy of Executive Action In Immigration Law (15-07).

Anita Butera and Robert Manning,  A Failing Grade For the Post-BAPCPA Credit Counseling and Bankruptcy Education Industry? (15-08).

Geoffrey Christopher Rapp,  Institutional Control And Corporate Governance (15-09).

Gregory Crespi, Should We Defuse The “Tax Bomb” Facing Lawyers Who Are Enrolled In Income-Based Student Loan Repayment Plans? (15-10).

Laura F. Rothstein, The Americans with Disabilities Act and Higher Education 25 Years Later: An Update on the History and Current Disability Discrimination Issues for Higher Education (15-11).

Andrew B. Whitford and Janet S. Whitford, Institutional Design And Regulatory Burden: Evidence From Student Financial Aid (15-12).

Rodrigo Cetina Presuel and Loreto Corredoira, Copyright Policy Tendencies in 2015: Further Weakening of Limits and Exceptions and the Ever Reducing Public Domain in Spanish, European Union and International Legislation (16-01).

Michael W. Klein, What Counts: The Policy and Politics Of the Proposed College Rating System in the United States (16-02).

Susan N Gary, Values and Value: University Endowments, Fiduciary Duties, And Esg Investing (16-03).

Michael A. Olivas, The Geopolitics of Place and Residence in Houston, Testimony to the University of Houston System Regents, November 19, 2015 (16-04).

Andrea K. Gideon and Albert Sanchez-Graells, When are Universities Bound by EU Public Procurement Rules as Buyers and Providers? - English Universities as a Case Study (16-05).

David M. Rabban, The Regrettable Underenforcement of Incompetence as Cause to Dismiss Tenured Faculty (16-06).

Christopher J. Ryan, Trusting U.: Examining University Endowment Management (16-07).

Casey Dougal, Pengjie Gao, William J. Mayew and Christopher A. Parsons, , What's in a (School) Name? Racial Discrimination in Higher Education Bond Markets (16-08).

Ann M. Murphy, We Don't Need No Education – Is The U.S. At Risk Of Losing Its Clear Edge In Higher Education to China? (16-09).

R. George Wright, Campus Speech and The Functions of the University, (16-10).

James T. Koebel, Outcome Notifications Under Title IX, the Clery Act, and FERPA: A Compliance Blueprint, (16-11).

Alberto Cabrera, Alicia Peralta and Elizabeth Kurban, The Invisible 1%: Stepping Stones Towards College Among Military Brats (16-12).

Johnny Rex Buckles, The Sexual Integrity of Religious Schools and Tax Exemption (17-01).

Philip Lee, Student Protests And Academic Freedom In An Age Of #BLACKLIVESMATTER, (17-02).

SpearIT, Restoring Pell Grants for Prisoners -- Growing Momentum for Reform (17-03).

Chris Cotropia  and Jim Gibson, Commentary to the U.S. Copyright Office Regarding the Section 512 Study:  Higher Education and the DMCA Safe Harbors (17-04).

Albert Kauffman, Effective Litigation Strategies to Improve State Education and Social Service Systems (17-05).

Jacob H. Rooksby, A Fresh Look at Copyright on Campus (17-06).

Christian Joerges, Brexit and Academic Citizenship (17-07).

Steven W. Bender, Campus Racial Unrest and the Diversity Bargain (17-08).

Marie T. Reilly, Due Process in Public University Cases (17-09).

Brian G. Knight and Nathan M. Schiff, The Out-of-State Tuition Distortion, (17-10).

Bruce Pardy, Head Starts and Extra Time: Academic Accommodation on Post-Secondary Exams and Assignments for Cognitive and Mental Disabilities, (17-11).

Holger M. Mueller and Constantine Yannelis, Students in Distress: Labor Market Shocks, Student Loan Default, and Federal Insurance Programs (17-12).

Deborah R. Gerhardt, Consumer Investment In University Brands, (18-01).

Michael A. Olivas, Within You Without You: Undocumented Lawyers, DACA, and Occupational Licensing (Rucker Lecture) (18-02).

Laura E. Deeks, Discourse and Duty: University Endowments, Fiduciary Law, and the Cultural Politics of Fossil Fuel Divestment (18-03).

Alexander Tsesis, Campus Speech and Harassment (18-04).

Heidi Kitrosser, Free Speech, Higher Education, and the PC Narrative (18-05).

Alexandra Brodsky, A Rising Tide: Learning About Fair Disciplinary Process from Title IX (18-06).

Vikram D. Amar and Alan E. Brownstein, A Close-Up, Modern Look at First Amendment Academic Freedom Rights of Public College Students and Faculty (18-07).

Alison Tanner, Live and Learn: Using the Fair Housing Act to Advance Educational Opportunity for Parenting Students (18-08).

Jacob H. Rooksby and Christopher Hayter , Copyrights in Higher Education: Motivating a Research Agenda (18-09).

Claudia Polsky, Open Records, Shuttered Labs: Ending Political Harassment of Public University Researchers (18-10).

Aric Short, Sane Gun Policy From Texas? A Blueprint For Balanced State Campus Carry Laws (18-11).

Kevin R. Johnson, Immigration and Civil Rights in an Era of Trump (18-12)