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Welcome from the Director

The mission of the Center for Children, Law & Policy is to engage in legal and interdisciplinary scholarship, advocacy and teaching to advance the interest of children through public policy. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or suggestions.

Professor Ellen Marrus



Scholar Spotlight

Kristen Guerrero Dorton

Kristen Guerrero Dorton

J.D., University of Houston Law Center
M.Ed., University of St. Thomas
B.A., University of Houston
B.S., University of Houston-Clear Lake

Kristen was a member of the Moot Court and Alternative Dispute Resolution teams and served as Secretary of the Public Interest Law Organization (PILO) during her 3L year.  During her time at the law center she also served as a Student Attorney at the Dual- Status Representation Clinic at UHLC clinic and was a Public Interest Fellow at the Center for Children, Law and Policy. Prior to law school, Kristen worked in education for 17 years.  She currently clerks in the 280th District Court and provides pro bono services for non-profit organizations.


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